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Configuration for _configuration.json

spikeydragoon edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 7 revisions

Notice formatting for the config files is important so make sure to keep all formatting the same or you will have problems. At the bottom it will show examples for the configs.

Basic formatting for the config should look like this. Note make sure to use true/false instead of True/False

For Application Settings.

  • VersionCheckUrl: This should be left as is. The bot uses this to check if its running the latest version or not.
  • PatchNotesCheckUrl: This should be left as is. The bot uses this to check the patch notes for cross ark chat.
  • LogErrors: true for the bot to log errors to the error log file. This is good for debugging to see what is going on if its not working.
  • LogChat: true for the bot to log chat to the chat log file.
  • LogAdminCommands: true for the bot to log admin commands to the admin commands log file.
  • LogTribeLogs: true for the bot to log tribe logs to the tribe logs log file.
  • UseDiscord: true to use discord false to use only rcon. This is for servers who only want cross chat and not discord.
  • DiscordLogSeverity: info bot uses this to see what type of logging you want for the discord output. For normal use i would leave it set to info but for troubleshooting i would use verbose.

Note there are a few opitions you can set the DiscordLogSeverity to.

  • Critical = Logs that contain the most severe level of error. This type of error indicate that immediate attention may be required.
  • Debug = Logs that contain the most detailed messages.
  • Error = Logs that highlight when the flow of execution is stopped due to a failure.
  • Info = Logs that track the general flow of the application.
  • Verbose = Logs that are used for interactive investigation during development.
  • Warning = Logs that highlight an abnormal activity in the flow of execution.

Example of what the default looks like.

"ApplicationSettings": {
    "VersionCheckUrl": "",
    "PatchNotesCheckUrl": "",
    "LogErrors": true,
    "LogChat": true,
    "LogAdminCommands": true,
    "LogTribeLogs": true,
    "UseDiscord": true,
    "DiscordLogSeverity": "info"

For Servers

  • NameTag: is the name of the server chat. This should not contain spaces or special characters as it will cause the program to not work properly. In most cases you can just set this to the name of the map. Note this can be hidden in the config settings however you must still put something here.
  • Ip: is either your local ip if your running bot from your own computer example or if your trying to connect to a server on a hosting provider then you will use the hosting providers public ip address example You should not use your own public ip as this will cause problems.
  • RconPort: is the rcon port on the Ark Server. Again you must have rcon enabled.
  • QueryPort: is the query port on the Ark Server.
  • Password: is the Admin password on the Ark Server. This should not contain spaces or special characters as it will cause the program to not work properly.
  • SettingsToUSe: is which settings the server should use. Note servers can share settings if you want.
  • Active: is used to tell the bot if the server should be used or not. true means bot will load it false means bot will ignore it.

Example of what the default looks like.

"Servers": [
      "NameTag": "Chat1",
      "IP": "",
      "RconPort": 0,
      "QueryPort": 0,
      "Password": "Password",
      "SettingToUse": 1,
      "Active": false
      "NameTag": "Chat2",
      "IP": "",
      "RconPort": 0,
      "QueryPort": 0,
      "Password": "Password",
      "SettingToUse": 2,
      "Active": false

For Server Settings

This is how the format looks like for chat. ServerTag ServerName ServerPlayerTag playername PlayerChatTag chatmessage ChatTag Which will make chat look like this by default. Note since the tags are blank the message is normal. Island: (Spikeydragoon): Hello all.

  • SettingNumber: is the setting number so the server knows which one to use for what server.
  • ServerTag: default is blank but you can put discord markdowns here to make chat look different in the discord server.
  • ServerPlayerTag: default is : but you can put discord markdowns here to make chat look different in the discord server.
  • PlayerChatTag: default is : but you can put discord markdowns here to make the chat look different in the discord server.
  • ChatTag: default is blank but you can put discord mark downs here to make the chat look different in the discord server.

Example of what the default looks like.

"ServerSettings": [
      "SettingNumber": 1,
      "ServerTag": "",
      "ServerPlayerTag": ":",
      "PlayerChatTag": ":",
      "ChatTag": "",
      "HideNameTag": false,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0
      "SettingNumber": 2,
      "ServerTag": "",
      "ServerPlayerTag": ":",
      "PlayerChatTag": ":",
      "ChatTag": "",
      "HideNameTag": false,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0

For prefix groups

Note you can have one or more servers in the prefix group list.

  • ChatPrefix: Prefix to type before your message in-game if UsePrefixToSendChat is enabled to send to that specific server. Example /island hello island server
  • ServerList: List of servers to send the message to when the prefix is used. Note: If you only want it to go to one server only put one server in the list.

Example of what the default looks like.

"PrefixGroups": [
      "ChatPrefix": "/prefix",
      "ServerList": [
      "ChatPrefix": "/prefix2",
      "ServerList": [

For Tribes

  • TribeId: is the in-game tribe id.
  • SettingToUse: is which settings the tribe should use. Note tribes can share settings if you want.
  • Active: is used to tell the bot if the tribe should be used or not. true means bot will load it false means bot will ignore it.

Example of what the default looks like.

"Tribes": [
      "TribeId": "00000",
      "SettingToUse": 1,
      "Active": false
      "TribeId": "00000",
      "SettingToUse": 2,
      "Active": false

For Tribe Settings

  • SettingNumber: is the setting number so the server knows which one to use for the tribe.
  • ShowFullTribeLog: true to show the full un-formatted tribe log. Note if you enable them bot will not put the tribe log in a nice embedded message.
  • ShowTribeName: true to show the tribe name in the tribes own channel.
  • ShowServerName: true to show the server name the log came from in the tribes own channel.
  • ShowTribeId: true to show the tribe id the log came from in the tribes own channel.
  • EmbedTribeLog: true to embed tribe logs in a nice formatted message.
  • DiscordChannelId: is the discord channel id that the server should send messages to if SendTribeLogsToOwnChannel is enabled.

Example of what the default looks like.

"TribeSettings": [
      "SettingNumber": 1,
      "ShowFullTribeLog": false,
      "ShowTribeName": false,
      "ShowServerName": true,
      "ShowTribeId": false,
      "EmbedTribeLog": true,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0
      "SettingNumber": 1,
      "ShowFullTribeLog": false,
      "ShowTribeName": false,
      "ShowServerName": true,
      "ShowTribeId": false,
      "EmbedTribeLog": true,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0

For Game Commands

  • Command: is the in-game prefix used to run the command reply.
  • Commandreply: is the reply the bot gives when running the Above command.
  • Active: tells the bot to use the command or not if the UseGameCommands is set to true

Example of what the default looks like.

"GameCommands": [
      "Command": "!discord",
      "CommandReply": "",
      "Active": false
      "Command": "rules",
      "CommandReply": "These are the rules.",
      "Active": false
      "Command": "/ping",
      "CommandReply": "Pong!",
      "Active": false

For Custom Tags list

You just put all the tags you want the bot to filter out. This is used for plugins/mods that use their own tags in chat. Example is ACM uses ACM[CMD] to tag all of the admin commands. When adding your tags make sure you add an extra one for SERVER: yourtag this is due to how it pulls chat from the other servers. Without both it would still send/spam the servers.

Example of what the default looks like.

"CustomTagList": [

For Rcon Settings

BIG WARNING do not change anything in this section unless you fully understand what you are doing. Depending on what you change will break the bot. The only reason to change the tags is if your server is set to a different culture. IE fr instead of en. This is due to fr using Tribu instead of Tribe like in the en version so you would need to change that tag so bot can see it. If you notice lag when the bot runs you can force the bot to get chat slower by changing the GetchatTimeInMs and the ListPlayersCheckInMS.

Note for the bot to work with atlas just change the TribeTag to Company

  • NoResponceTag: This is the response that ark gives when it receives the command but doesn't have any values to return.
  • NoPlayerTag: This is the response that ark gives when there are no players on the server.
  • ServerRepeatTag: This is the tag that ark puts at the start of a message when it was sent using the serverchat command so it doesnt keep resending it.
  • AdminCMDTag: This is the tag that Ark puts at the start of admin commands.
  • TribeTag: This is the tag that ark puts at the start of all tribe logs.
  • GetChatCmd: This is the command ark uses to get chat from the server.
  • ListPlayersCmd: This is the command ark uses to get the player list from the server.
  • ListPlayerChatTimeInMs: This is the frequency in milliseconds that the list player command will run.
  • GetChatTimeInMs: This is the frequency in milliseconds that the getchat command will run.
  • PlayerCountCheckTimeInMs This is the frequency in milliseconds that the player counter will run.
  • VersionCheckTimeInMs: This is the frequency it checks for a new version of crossarkchat.
  • RconSendTimeoutInMs: This is the frequency in milliseconds the send commad will wait before timing out.
  • RconReceiveTimeoutInMs: This is the frequency in milliseconds the receive command will wait before timing out.
  • RconConnectionRetrys: This is how many times rcon will try to connect to the server before moving on.

Example of what the default looks like.

"RconSettings": {
    "NoResponceTag": "Server received, But no response!!",
    "NoPlayerTag": "No Players Connected",
    "ServerRepeatTag": "SERVER:",
    "AdminCMDTag": "AdminCmd:",
    "TribeLogTag": "Tribe",
    "GetChatCmd": "getchat",
    "ListPlayersCmd": "ListPlayers",
    "ListPlayerCheckTimeInMs": 10000,
    "GetChatTimeInMs": 1000,
    "PlayerCountCheckTimeInMs": 30000,
    "VersionCheckTimeInMs": 3600000,
    "RconSendTimeoutInMs": 3000,
    "RconReceiveTimeoutInMs": 10000,
    "RconConnectionRetrys": 1

For Embedded Tribe log color settings. Note i may have missed some but I have it set up you can add your own.

  • LogType: this is the word the bot will look for to apply colors and ping a discord role.
  • LogColor: this is the hex value of the color you want the bot to use for the log type. Note do not put the # from the hex color just the numbers/letters. Example for red its #ff2121 in the config just put ff2121. You can use any online color picker that gives the hex value for that color.
  • RoleToPing: this is the discord rolename the bot will ping for the set logtype. Note if you dont want it to ping a role just leave it set to none.

Example of what the default looks like.

"EmbeddedTribeLogColorSettings": [
      "LogType": "killed",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "demolished",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "claimed",
      "LogColor": "03f413",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "unclaimed",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "tamed",
      "LogColor": "03f413",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "destroyed",
      "LogColor": "ff7400",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "froze",
      "LogColor": "d8ddd8",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "downloaded",
      "LogColor": "03f413",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "uploaded",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "starved",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"

For Chat settings

  • UseCustomTags: true to filter the custom tags. false to ignore custom tags.
  • SendChatToServers: true to enable cross ark chat. false to turn only cross chat off.
  • ShowAdminCommands: tells the bot to either show or hide admin commands. true is to show commands and false is to hide them.
  • UseGameCommands: true tells the bot to enable the Custom Game Commands option. false to ignore them. Note all this can be used for is the bot to reply to basic messages in-game only. Ie !discord can reply with your discord server link.
  • UsePrefixToSendChat: tells the bot to use the Prefix Groups or not. If true you have to type the prefix first before your message will be sent. Example /Island hello
  • UseWordReplacementList: true to use the word replacement list in _wordfilter.json file.
  • PrefixToSendAllServers: is the prefix that will be used if UsePrefixToSendChat is true. This prefix must be typed before the message to send chat. Example /all hello

Example of what the default looks like.

"ChatSettings": {
    "UseCustomTags": false,
    "SendChatToServers": true,
    "ShowAdminCommands": false,
    "UseGameCommands": false,
    "UsePrefixToSendChat": false,
    "UseWordReplacementList": false,
    "AllServersChatPrefix": "/all"

For Discord Settings.


  • CommandPrefix: is the tag you use in discord when sending commands. IE d!help
  • DiscordBotToken: is the Discord Bot Token required for the bot to connect to your server.
  • IgnoreOtherBots: tells the bot to interact with other discord bots. (Only set this to true if you know what you are doing.)
  • ShowDiscordNickName: tells the bot to show the discord nickname or username when sending messages to the servers. true to show discord nickname, false to show discord username.


  • ChatDiscordChannelID: is the id of the channel you want the bot to send all the chat messages to and from.
  • SendServerChatToOwnChannel: tells the bot to send server chat to their own discord channels.


  • DiscordChatPrefix: is the chat prefix used in-game when sending messages from discord.
  • SendChatToDiscord: true to send chat to discord. false to stop sending only chat to discord.
  • UsePrefixToSendToDiscord: false messages will send as normal. if true you will have to use the PrefixToSendToDiscord to send messages to discord.
  • PrefixToSendToDiscord: is the prefix that will be used if UsePrefixToSendToDiscord is true. Example /discord hello.


  • VersionDiscordChannelId: is the id of the channel you want the bot to send the new version notification if enabled.
  • PatchNotesDiscordChannelId: is the id of the channel you want the bot to send the patch notes notification if enabled.
  • JoinLeaveNotificationsDiscordChannelID: is the id of the channel you want the bot to send join/leave notifications if enabled.
  • UseVersionChecker: tells the bot to send a new version notification when one is available.
  • UsePathNotesChecker: tells the bot to send a patch note notification when one is available.
  • UseJoinLeaveNotifications: Tells the bot to send join/leave notifications to discord.
  • UsePlayerCountChannelUpdater: tells the bot to update channel description with the online player count or not. true to use the count updater.
  • SendJoinLeaveNotificationsToServerOwnChannel: Tells the bot to send the join/leave notifications to the servers own channel.


  • AdminCommandsDiscordChannelID: is the id of the channel you want the bot to send admin commands to if you have them enabled.
  • SendAdminCommandsToOWnChannel: tells the bot to send admin commands to its own server channel. true is to send send admin commands to the server discord channel it came from. false is to keep them going only to the AdminCommandsDiscordChannelID if showadmincommands is enabled.


  • TribeLogsDiscordChannelID: is the id of the channel you want the bot to send tribe logs to if you have them enabled.
  • ShowTribeLogs: tells the bot to either show or hide tribe logs in discord. true is to show tribe logs in discord false is to ignore them. This only works if you have show Tribe logs in Rcon enabled in your Ark Server Settings.
  • ShowFullTribeLog: true to show the full un-formatted tribe log in the main tribe channel. note when set to true this will keep the logs from being embedded.
  • ShowTribeId: true to show the tribe id in the main tribe channel.
  • ShowTribeName: true to show the tribe name in the main tribe channel.
  • ShowServerName: true to show the server name in the main tribe channel.
  • EmbedTribeLog: true to format and put the tribe log in a nice embedded discord message.
  • SendTribeLogsToOwnChannel: tells the bot to send tribe logs to their own discord channels. ShowTribeLogs must be enabled.


  • SupportDiscordChannelID: is the id of the channel you want the bot to send support tickets to if enabled.
  • UseSupportPrefix: tells the bot to use the SupportPrefix or not. If true when you type the supportprefix before your message it will send a message to a set discord channel. Example /help my dinoes are stuck.
  • PingRoleName: tells the bot to ping the set rolename in the support channel or not. true it will ping the discord role when it sends a message. false it will only send the message it will not ping anyone.
  • ReplyToSupportPing: tells the bot to send a reply message when someone uses the SupportPrefix.
  • SupportPrefix: is the prefix that will be used if UseSupportPrefix is true. This prefix must be typed before the messaage to send the message to the support channel. Example /help my dinos are stuck.
  • SupportRoleToPing: tell the bot which discord rolename to ping if pingrolename is true. Discord role must match the role name exactly as its listed in your discord server roles tab.
  • SupportPingReply: Is the message that will be sent when someone uses the SupportPrefix if ReplyToSupportPing is true.

Example of what the default looks like.

"DiscordSettings": {
    "DiscordBotSettings": {
      "CommandPrefix": "d!",
      "DiscordBotToken": "BotToken",
      "IgnoreOtherBots": true,
      "ShowDiscordNickName": true

    "ServerChatSettings": {
      "ChatDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "SendServerChatToOwnChannel": false

    "DiscordChatSettings": {
      "DiscordChatPrefix": "Discord",
      "SendChatToDiscord": true,
      "UsePrefixToSendToDiscord": false,
      "PrefixToSendToDiscord": "/discord"

    "NotificationSettings": {
      "VersionDiscordChannelId": 0,
      "PatchNotesDiscordChannelId": 0,
      "JoinLeaveNotificationsDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "UseVersionChecker": false,
      "UsePatchNotesChecker": false,
      "UseJoinLeaveNotifications": false,
      "UsePlayerCountChannelUpdater": false,
      "SendJoinLeaveNotificationsToServerOwnChannel": false

    "AdminCommandSettings": {
      "AdminCommandsDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "SendAdminCommandsToOwnChannel": false

    "TribeLogSettings": {
      "TribeLogsDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "ShowTribelogs": false,
      "ShowFullTribeLog": false,
      "ShowTribeId": true,
      "ShowTribeName": true,
      "ShowServerName": true,
      "EmbedTribeLog": true,
      "SendTribeLogsToOwnChannel": false

    "SupportSettings": {
      "SupportDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "UseSupportPrefix": false,
      "PingRoleName": false,
      "ReplyToSupportPing": true,
      "SupportPrefix": "/help",
      "SupportRoleToPing": "rolename",
      "SupportPingReply": "Your support ticket has been sent."

Example default config

  "ApplicationSettings": {
    "VersionCheckUrl": "",
    "PatchNotesCheckUrl": "",
    "LogErrors": true,
    "LogChat": true,
    "LogAdminCommands": true,
    "LogTribeLogs": true,
    "UseDiscord": true,
    "DiscordLogSeverity": "info"

  "Servers": [
      "NameTag": "Chat1",
      "IP": "",
      "RconPort": 0,
      "QueryPort": 0,
      "Password": "Password",
      "SettingToUse": 1,
      "Active": false
      "NameTag": "Chat2",
      "IP": "",
      "RconPort": 0,
      "QueryPort": 0,
      "Password": "Password",
      "SettingToUse": 2,
      "Active": false

  "ServerSettings": [
      "SettingNumber": 1,
      "ServerTag": "",
      "ServerPlayerTag": ":",
      "PlayerChatTag": ":",
      "ChatTag": "",
      "HideNameTag": false,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0
      "SettingNumber": 2,
      "ServerTag": "",
      "ServerPlayerTag": ":",
      "PlayerChatTag": ":",
      "ChatTag": "",
      "HideNameTag": false,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0

  "PrefixGroups": [
      "ChatPrefix": "/prefix",
      "ServerList": [
      "ChatPrefix": "/prefix2",
      "ServerList": [

  "Tribes": [
      "TribeId": "00000",
      "SettingToUse": 1,
      "Active": false
      "TribeId": "00000",
      "SettingToUse": 2,
      "Active": false

  "TribeSettings": [
      "SettingNumber": 1,
      "ShowFullTribeLog": false,
      "ShowTribeName": false,
      "ShowServerName": true,
      "ShowTribeId": false,
      "EmbedTribeLog": true,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0
      "SettingNumber": 1,
      "ShowFullTribeLog": false,
      "ShowTribeName": false,
      "ShowServerName": true,
      "ShowTribeId": false,
      "EmbedTribeLog": true,
      "DiscordChannelId": 0

  "GameCommands": [
      "Command": "!discord",
      "CommandReply": "",
      "Active": false
      "Command": "rules",
      "CommandReply": "These are the rules.",
      "Active": false
      "Command": "/ping",
      "CommandReply": "Pong!",
      "Active": false

  "CustomTagList": [

  "RconSettings": {
    "NoResponceTag": "Server received, But no response!!",
    "NoPlayerTag": "No Players Connected",
    "ServerRepeatTag": "SERVER:",
    "AdminCMDTag": "AdminCmd:",
    "TribeLogTag": "Tribe",
    "GetChatCmd": "getchat",
    "ListPlayersCmd": "ListPlayers",
    "ListPlayerCheckTimeInMs": 10000,
    "GetChatTimeInMs": 1000,
    "PlayerCountCheckTimeInMs": 30000,
    "VersionCheckTimeInMs": 3600000,
    "RconSendTimeoutInMs": 3000,
    "RconReceiveTimeoutInMs": 10000,
    "RconConnectionRetrys": 1

  "EmbeddedTribeLogColorSettings": [
      "LogType": "killed",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "demolished",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "claimed",
      "LogColor": "03f413",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "unclaimed",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "tamed",
      "LogColor": "03f413",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "destroyed",
      "LogColor": "ff7400",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "froze",
      "LogColor": "d8ddd8",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "downloaded",
      "LogColor": "03f413",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "uploaded",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"
      "LogType": "starved",
      "LogColor": "ff2121",
      "RoleToPing": "none"

  "ChatSettings": {
    "UseCustomTags": false,
    "SendChatToServers": true,
    "ShowAdminCommands": false,
    "UseGameCommands": false,
    "UsePrefixToSendChat": false,
    "UseWordReplacementList": false,
    "AllServersChatPrefix": "/all"

  "DiscordSettings": {
    "DiscordBotSettings": {
      "CommandPrefix": "d!",
      "DiscordBotToken": "BotToken",
      "IgnoreOtherBots": true,
      "ShowDiscordNickName": true

    "ServerChatSettings": {
      "ChatDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "SendServerChatToOwnChannel": false

    "DiscordChatSettings": {
      "DiscordChatPrefix": "Discord",
      "SendChatToDiscord": true,
      "UsePrefixToSendToDiscord": false,
      "PrefixToSendToDiscord": "/discord"

    "NotificationSettings": {
      "VersionDiscordChannelId": 0,
      "PatchNotesDiscordChannelId": 0,
      "JoinLeaveNotificationsDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "UseVersionChecker": false,
      "UsePatchNotesChecker": false,
      "UseJoinLeaveNotifications": false,
      "UsePlayerCountChannelUpdater": false,
      "SendJoinLeaveNotificationsToServerOwnChannel": false

    "AdminCommandSettings": {
      "AdminCommandsDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "SendAdminCommandsToOwnChannel": false

    "TribeLogSettings": {
      "TribeLogsDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "ShowTribelogs": false,
      "ShowFullTribeLog": false,
      "ShowTribeId": true,
      "ShowTribeName": true,
      "ShowServerName": true,
      "EmbedTribeLog": true,
      "SendTribeLogsToOwnChannel": false

    "SupportSettings": {
      "SupportDiscordChannelID": 0,
      "UseSupportPrefix": false,
      "PingRoleName": false,
      "ReplyToSupportPing": true,
      "SupportPrefix": "/help",
      "SupportRoleToPing": "rolename",
      "SupportPingReply": "Your support ticket has been sent."