In this repo you will find a collection of hundreds of Java solutions to LeetCode coding problems.
I was active on LeetCode for quite some time,
peaking in a 500-day streak of solving the daily challenge,
and even earning a free T-Shirt (which turned out too small and could not be exchanged :)
This project requires Maven and Java 17.
It has neither compile nor run-time, only test dependencies.
Unit tests are based on JUnit 5 and @ParameterizedTest.
Most solutions have been successfully submitted.
Many come with JUnit tests using test data found in the problem descriptions.
Solutions are named ProblemNNNN, tests are named ProblemNNNNTest,
where NNNN is the problem number formatted to four digits with leading zeroes.
To build the project simply type: mvn
(defaults to mvn clean verify
Use as you wish and as you see fit.
No warranty given.
No need to give credit.
Hope you'll find it useful.