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🐛 Bug: cannot reproduce
🐛 Bug: cannot reproduce
A bug is found but we are not able to reproduce it.
🐛 Bug: reported
🐛 Bug: reported
Reported bug but we have not spent the time to verify or reproduce.
🐛 Bug: verified
🐛 Bug: verified
Something isn't working and we are able to reproduce it.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
💬 Discussion
💬 Discussion
Ongoing discussions or further information needed.
📄 Doc: missing
📄 Doc: missing
Documentation missing and needed.
↲ Duplicate
↲ Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🎉 Feature: idea
🎉 Feature: idea
The maintainers have this feature idea, but have not decided if it will implement it.
🎉 Feature: planned
🎉 Feature: planned
We will implement this feature but we may not have assigned a milestone yet.
🐛 Feature: requested
🐛 Feature: requested
New feature request from the community.
?Needs Info
?Needs Info
Further information is requested
🥳 Ready to merge
🥳 Ready to merge
Pull request has been approved by reviewers
✈️ Released
✈️ Released
👓 Review
👓 Review
⏱ Waiting
⏱ Waiting
⛔️ Wont
⛔️ Wont
This will not be worked on