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GitHub Release Monitor bot

[Telegram] aiogram live Supported python versions Telegram Bot API MIT License

Simple release monitor for GitHub repositories based on telegram bot.

You may try it on telegram - here :)

Command list

  • /help - view all commands
  • /start - base command for user registration
  • /my_subscriptions - view all subscriptions
  • /subscribe - [github repo urls] subscribe to the new GitHub repository
  • /unsubscribe - [github repo urls] unsubscribe from the GitHub repository
  • /remove_all_subscriptions - remove all exists subscriptions
Examples here /subscribe /~

FYI: bot will send you info about updates automatically.



Config and environments variable

Config based on .env creation or set env-variables as you like (example: .env.default)


  • Find BotFather account
  • Create a new bot
  • Generate API token and put it to config


This parameter is used to set the polling frequency for all url addresses. Default 1 hour.


This setting is used to set a timeout between each API request to prevent the rate limit from failing. Default 1 minute.

How to run

Without Docker:

  • Make virtual environment
  • Install package requirements
  • Create .env or set env-variables as you like (example: .env.default)
  • Run it

With Docker

Development tools

Bandit tool

Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code. To do this Bandit processes each file, builds an AST from it, and runs appropriate plugins against the AST nodes. Once Bandit has finished scanning all the files it generates a report.

bandit -c pyproject.toml -r .

Safety tool

safety is a tool designed to check installed dependencies for known security vulnerabilities.

# how to check all installed packages
safety check --policy-file .safety-policy.yml

# how to check all dependencies
safety check -r requirements_dev.txt --policy-file .safety-policy.yml

# json report 
mkdir -p reports/safety && safety check -r requirements_dev.txt --policy-file .safety-policy.yml --json --output reports/safety/result.json


flake8 is a python tool that glues together pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to check the style and quality of some python code.

flake8 .


pylint - static code analyzer for Python 2 or 3. It checks presence of bugs, enforces the coding standard, tries to find problems in the code and can suggest suggestions code refactoring.

pylint $(git ls-files '*.py')

My subscriptions