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ROP analysis of multiple sample via qsub

Serghei Mangul edited this page Aug 2, 2016 · 4 revisions

In case you have many files you can submit multiple jobs using qsub.

Run ROP for all the samples at once :

  • Run a single sample from the command line to make sure there are no unexpected errors.

  • Create a text file with all of the file names (no extensions) that will be run

ls *fasta | awk -F ".fasta" '{print $1}'>sample.txt 
  • Create a file for each sample that will be run.
#general example
while read line; do echo "<your command here>" > run_${line}.sh; done < <path to file with all sample names>

#implementation for ROP tool
while read line; do echo "python /u/home/s/serghei/code2/rop/ --qsubArray --skipQC /u/home/b/brigitta/scratch/gtex/data/${line}.fasta $PWD/${line}" > run_${line}.sh; done<../sample.txt

Please follow the following steps:

ls run*sh | awk '{i+=1;print "qsub -cwd -V -N rop"i" -l h_data=16G,time=24:00:00 "$1}' >

Now you have with individual qsub command per sample. To run all the qsubs from do the following:

  • chmod u+x
  • nohup ./ &
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