A temp polyfill of xtpl for koa2. This my personl plugin. Offcial update please watch /~https://github.com/xtemplate/xtpl
npm install --save koa xtemplate xtpl
Please refer to repo/example
var Koa = require( 'koa' );
var xtpl = require( '../src/koa2' ); // You can copy koa2.js to your own project and require it according to your project dir structure.
var path = require( 'path' );
// -------------------------- main -------------------------------
var app = new Koa();
xtpl( app,{
views: path.resolve( __dirname, 'views' )
} );
app.use( async function(ctx){
await ctx.render( 'index', {
name: 'Bernie'
} )
} );