An incubator for all my unfinished ideas.
- db4j: a small library to simplify the work with databases in Java
- cachedobject: a small library to implement caching on object through annotation
- csv2xls: a simple tool to obtain excels from CSV(s)
- database-maven-plugin: a database maven plugin useful to generate object starting from the DB
- database-maven-plugin-testproject: a project used to test
- demo-tomee-hibernate: an example of a J2EE project configured to use TomEE, Hibernate, etc...
- logviewer: a small project created to learn JavaFX...
- propertiesutils: utilities on Properties in Java
- sql-unit: a small "test" if I can do TDD on SQL... it's possible!!!
- sql2csv: the aim of this tool is to provide a fast way to create a CSV from a SQL result You can use the sql ant task for this instead of this tool
- stopeat: an Android application showing your BMI
- tabl: a library used to interface with databases (a little complex...)
- the-frog: A game done to study Phaser and Pixel Art
- velocity-doclet: a doclet from which it's possible to generate something starting from Java source files and a template
- zipdrop: zipdrop is a package management tool using zip files