This theme is created by combine both of Goyangin and Magnetic using ejs and bulma framework. Inspired by Procreate Showcase website look-alike.
- Grid (1 column mobile, 2 columns tablet, 3 columns desktop, 4 columns large desktop)
- Valine, Facebook, or Disqus comment
- Google analytics
This themes is not come with any hexo plugin. So, if you want to make your blog running fast, this is the plugins that i used for the demo:
- hexo-pwa for offline service
- hexo-all-minifier minify the js, css, html, and pictures
- hexo-generator-feed for generate the feed
- hexo-generator-seo-friendly-sitemap generate sitemap for google webmaster tool
- My background is not a web developper so, I am so sorry if you find any trouble 'cause for the real i just copy paste the script. But you can tell your problems on the
the issues
, maybe i can help you as much as i can do. - Me and my friend currently build the better version of this, but not on hexo. Please take a look
our project here
the demo is right my personal