This repository contains example code demonstrating Sighthound SDK Features on Boulder-AI device hardware.
Login to your device using ssh and the IP address of the device or the name of the device as specified in your delivery instructions.
You should then find this repository in the /data
partition of the device.
Follow release instructions to update this repository as new SDK releases become available.
You can use the examples in this repository as a base for your own Sighthound custom application implementation.
Please keep any of your working changes in the /data partition, as contents in the root filesystem will be changed as the system is upgraded to
support future SDK and OS releases.
Each sample directory contains a README file with sample specific instructions and scripts which can be used to build and run example application containers on SH hardware.
These samples use the lens and onboard sensor which are only available on camera models
camera-capture: A container which captures a video from the onboard camera using a gstreamer pipeline.
rtsp-camera-stream: A container which starts a rtsp video stream using the onboard camera.
lensdriver: A command line utility which can manipulate the lens.
python-stream-check: A container with NVIDIA accelerated opencv+python support, capable of checking for a working rtsp-camera-stream instance. You can use this as an example for accessing an rtsp stream on a Node device without lens or sensor hardware.
cuda-compile: A container demonstrating compilation of cuda code
gps-imu: A container demonstrating the use of optional GPS and IMU hardware.
In the examples, baicamerasrc is the default gstreamer source of images for gstreamer based containers. This gstreamer element supports multiple streams from a single bayer sensor and runtime manipulation of ISP parameters.
When starting a gstreamer based container with the baicamerasrc gstreamer element selected, the image server will automatically be started.
The baicamerasrc does not have a fixed framerate.
The baicamerasrc can output images of one resolution out of a possible three. The selection is made via the 'image-index' property.
corresponds to the resolution.
corresponds to the 1280x720 resolution.
corresponds to the 300x512 resolution.
Height: [2160, 720, 512]
Width: [3840, 1280, 300]
You can obtain debug information for baicamerasrc by including -e GST_DEBUG=4
in the docker run command argument list.
You can switch to use the NVIDIA gstreamer nvarguscamerasrc element by changing which SOURCE_ELEMENT line in
is commented out. When using nvarguscamerasrc instead of baicamerasrc you may only run one gstreamer example at a time. Use docker ps
to see the running
list of containers. You must also stop the image server and UI, which you can do with systemctl stop bai-device-ui
In order to prevent the image server from starting on boot, you need to disable the UI, which you can do with:
mkdir /etc/bai/persist/ui
touch /etc/bai/persist/ui/not-to-be-started
As an alternative to using Boulder AI hardware, you can begin development with a Jetson Development Kit and use nvarguscamerasrc for container development.
- SDK 0.3: Initial cross Jetpack release along with docker key changes. SDK 0.3 requires at least baios release 2.14.4 or 3.1.0
bai-osinfo -a
for version information). Contact support
for assistance upgrading your device. - SDK 0.2 and baios release 2.4 : Initial baicamerasrc release and initial web UI version 2 release. SDK 0.2 requires at least
baios release 2.4 (see
bai-osinfo -a
for version information). Contact support
for assistance upgrading your device. - SDK 0.1.1 and baios release 2.1.0. Add cuda compile example
- SDK 0.1 and baios release 2.0.0. Supporting Jetpack 4.4 and L4T release 32.4.3
- To change the root password, remount the rootfs read/write using
mount -oremount,rw /
. Password changes will be lost on upgrades.
- Enter
git pull origin master
command to update the repository to the latest content and features from the base directory of the repository.