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doyousketch2 edited this page Sep 13, 2019 · 1 revision

Differences Lua API vs. C++ API

In general there are the following differences between Lua API and C++ API (assuming you did a local fl = require( "fltk4lua" ) at the top of your Lua source file):

  • The prefixes of classes and functions have been removed, so use
    • fl.message() instead of fl_message()
    • instead of Fl::run()
    • fl.Box() instead of new Fl_Box()
    • fl.ALIGN_CENTER instead of FL_ALIGN_CENTER (but see below).
  • Some enums or preprocessor macros are translated to strings:
    • "FL_UP_BOX" instead of FL_UP_BOX.
  • The remaining enums/macros are available as userdata, so that you can combine them using bitwise operators (in Lua 5.3) or the following alternative operators:
    • local a = fl.ALIGN_TOP + fl.ALIGN_LEFT instead of Fl_Align a = FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_LEFT;
    • local a = b - fl.ALIGN_LEFT instead of Fl_Align a = b & (~FL_ALIGN_LEFT); and
    • if a( fl.ALIGN_TOP ) then instead of if( a & FL_ALIGN_TOP ) (more specifically it's !(~a & FL_ALIGN_TOP), but that only matters when multiple bits are set in the right-hand-side).
  • C++ method calls are translated to Lua properties whenever possible, so use
    • = "FL_UP_BOX" instead of b->box( FL_UP_BOX ); and
    • local bt = instead of Fl_Boxtype bt = b->box();.
  • Integers used as boolean values are translated to real booleans.
  • nil is translated to NULL if NULL is allowed (and vice versa).
  • Output parameters end up as (multiple) return values.
  • The menu interface is a bit different, though, as it is completely index based, and the Fl_Menu_Items are not exposed as userdata. Instead there are extra methods on the widget that contains the menu items.
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