It corrupts images byte array so that they appear "glitched". The byte array can to obtained from Bitmap of an image.
You can directly use this glitch effect in your project by copying file. The file has static method glitch(), this method takes 4 parameters image bitmap, amount of glitch [1, 99], seed [0, 100], iterations [1, 100] & quality if image [1, 99]. and returns glitched image bitmap.
glitchedBitmap = Glitcher.glitch(Bitmap bitmap, int amount, int seed, int iterations, int quality);
If you're interested in adding more features, or want to countribute to project then following are the thing that can be improved.
- UI can be improved.
- Filtes can be added, such as RGB Glitch filters. (About tab can be replaced with filtes tab).
- Image share feature need to be added.
- The quality of glitched image can be improved.
This project was inspired from /~
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Try this application SlideToGlitch.apk