Mentor On Demand Architecture diagram.
It is a full stack web app designed using the ReactJS for front-end and spring-boot microservices as a backend.
Front-end UI designed using ReactJS in another repo here.
For complete info refer wiki.
There are various spring-boot microservices as:-
- user-service -> Maintains all the data and functions for user, trainer, admin.
- course-service -> Maintains all the data and functions of courses.
- user-course -> Maintains all the functions and data of user specific course details.
- eureka-server -> Server for all the microservices
- api-gateway -> Gateway for all the microservices implementing spring security using the JWT.
- auth-service -> Maintains all authentication related endpoints.
- config-server -> Provides the configuration from the git repo to all microservices.
- hystrix-dashboard -> Hystrix monitoring for the microservices.
- kafka-event-bus -> Kafka and zookeeper running in docker-compose container.
- ELK stack -> Elasticsearch, logstash, kibana with filebeat for centralize logging.