I improved the code we had for shell in Q4 of HW2 and added pipe feature to it!
the main file for this change is pipe.c I have a pipe which is the last command output fd (inital fd is 0) and just update it. for last command I provide its stdin from lastFD but redirect its output to stderr instead of another pipe.
here is a sample run o printf("KILL %d\n", pid); f code:
[mpc@Legion5 Q2]$ gcc main.c read_line.c split_line.c execute_args.c own_exit.c own_cd.c pipe.c # I hide its warning
[mpc@Legion5 Q2]$ ./a.out
Prompt$ ls
a.out execute_args.c LICENSE main.c own_cd.c own_exit.c pipe.c read_line.c README.md shell.h split_line.c test.c
Prompt$ ls | grep a
Prompt$ ls | grep a | wc -l
Prompt$ ls | grep a | nl
1 a.out
2 execute_args.c
3 main.c
4 read_line.c