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Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Macro Toolkit

Tired of punishing events and endless grinding? Time to level the playing field! Use this collection of macros to automate the drudgery and get ahead of the game, such as it is.

Warning: These are scripts that automate grinding. They know how to watch for running out of fuel and will automatically buy more! So be sure you have pizza available.

So what can it do?

Well, it can endlessly grind missions, completely autonomously. You fire it up, then go play one of your other video games. It can even target specific loot drops. At the moment it's only smart enough to recognize 4-star badges, but chances are that that's all your're interested in. Yes, that means that your fuel will ONLY go towards a specific loot drop, so it's perfectly efficient.

You will need:

  1. Windows
  2. BlueStacks (android emulator)
  3. AutoHotkey
  4. git


  1. clone this repo:
    > git clone /~
  2. Copy the file called "config.sample.ahk", rename it to config.sample, and adjust the values contained in it
  3. Put your screen resolution in 1920 x 1080
  4. Run BlueStacks
  5. Install Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow in BlueStacks
  6. Run Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow (in Bluestacks)
  7. Find the full screen button in the bottom-right corner of Bluestacks and click it. This script currently only works in full screen.

Before you run a mission script:

The Futurama game remembers the last planet you visited and the last team that you completed a battle with, and the script simply chooses the first 5 character portraits, so before you run a mission script play through it manually yourself once to bake-in the character set and the current planet.

Also, make sure that your team is strong enough to easily handle the battles with no input from you. The script will automatically select the middle critter in the front row when the battle begins (for scientists), but otherwise does nothing to manage battle actions.

To run a script:

Have a look at the file called fwot.ahk. Think of this file as the Menu of available missions. Double-click on it to kick off the script. Switch back to BlueStacks and make sure it is running full screen. Once it's running, you can launch a mission grinding routine by pressing the keys laid out in fwot.ahk. For example:

  2. Influencer Badges, 4-star badges only
  To launch: press Ctrl-Shift-d
    RunMission("dailyplanet", "2.2", Paths.dailyplanet.path2, "4-star-influencer-badge")

...will launch Daily Planet, second mission of the second mission group, path 2, and will only spend fuel on 4-star influencer badges. It might be a little fiddly for you non-coders, but you'll get the idea sooner or later.

To add a new mission script:

  1. Examine /missions/paths.json. Add the data for your new mission in there, following the format you see for the existing missions.
  2. Modify one of the calls in fwot.ahk, or add a new shortcut.
  3. Run your script and watch it loop a few times. If it all works, submit a PR.

Have fun. Pull requests are welcome, but please don't bombard me with issues. If you see something you don't like, fix it yourself and submit it.

Coders wanted!

There are a number of features that I would definitely welcome:

  • dynamic character selection on battle briefing screen (use ImageSearch with character icons)
  • add more planets and missions
  • improve efficiency of battle routine
  • add advanced battle mechanics (triggering supers, etc)


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