clean-css with the default Promise interface and some improvements
const CleanCssPromise = require('clean-css-promise');
(async () => {
const {styles} = await new CleanCssPromise().minify(`
p {
color: #ff0000;
b {
/* nothing */
`); //=> 'p{color:red}'
npm install clean-css-promise
const CleanCssPromise = require('clean-css-promise');
options: Object
(clean-css constructor options)
Almost the same the original clean-css
, except for:
option is enabled by default, and cannot be disabled.- onRejected function receives an
instead of anArray
. - All problems that clean-css considers as warnings, for example broken CSS syntax, are regarded as errors.
const CleanCssPromise = require('clean-css-promise');
new CleanCssPromise({})
.minify('@import url(/foo);}')
.catch(err => {
/*=> `2 errors found while optimizing CSS with clean-css:
1. Ignoring local @import of "/foo" as resource is missing.
2. Invalid character(s) '?' at 1:18. Ignoring.
clean-css dangerously ignores these errors but clean-css-promise doesn't, because it's much more reasonable to update the CSS to fix all problems than to pretend that you didn't see the errors.` */
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