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Releases: shikokuchuo/nanonext

nanonext 1.5.1

16 Feb 22:54
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  • pipe_notify() drops argument 'cv2' for signalling 2 condition variables on one pipe event. Use signal forwarders %~>% instead.
  • The abillity to lock() and unlock() sockets is removed.
  • Renders it safe to serialize 'nano' and 'aio' objects - they will be inactive when unserialized.
  • Unified Windows build system now compiles 'libmbedtls' and 'libnng' from source even on R <= 4.1 using Rtools40 or earlier.
  • Minimum supported 'libnng' version increased to 1.9.0.

nanonext 1.5.0

28 Jan 00:04
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Library Updates

  • Bundled 'libnng' updated to latest 1.10.1 release.
  • Bundled 'libmbedtls' updated to latest 3.6.2 LTS branch release.


  • nano() updated with the 'poly' protocol, with 'pipe' argument enabled for the send methods.
  • write_cert() no longer displays a status message when interactive (thanks @wlandau, #74).
  • Removes partial matching when using $, [[ or [ on an object inheriting from class 'nano'.
  • Fixes a rare hang on socket close that was possible on Windows platforms for IPC connections (#76).

nanonext 1.4.0

02 Dec 23:40
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New Features

  • New interface to Pipes moves to using integer pipe IDs rather than Pipe (external pointer) objects:
    • send() and send_aio() gain the argument 'pipe' which accepts an integer pipe ID for directed sends (currently only supported by Sockets using the 'poly' protocol).
    • A 'recvAio' now records the integer pipe ID, where successful, at $aio upon resolution.
    • Pipe objects (of class 'nanoPipe') are obsoleted.
  • Adds monitor() and read_monitor() for easy monitoring of connection changes (pipe additons and removals) at a Socket.


  • collect_pipe() is removed given the pipe interface changes.

nanonext 1.3.2

14 Nov 17:57
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  • Hotfix for CRAN (updates to tests only).

nanonext 1.3.1

13 Nov 22:44
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  • Performs interruptible 'aio' waits using a single dedicated thread, rather than launching new threads, for higher performance and efficiency.
  • Performance enhancements for 'ncurlAio' and 'recvAio' promises methods.
  • Updates bundled 'libnng' to v1.9.0 stable release.
  • The package has a shiny new hex logo.

nanonext 1.3.0

04 Oct 13:32
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New Features

  • Adds support for threaded dispatcher in mirai.
  • Adds 'recvAio' method for promises::as.promise() and promises::is.promising() to enable 'recvAio' promises.


  • serial_config() now validates all arguments and returns them as a list. Full validation is also performed when the option is set for additional safety.
  • Warning messages for unserialization or conversion failures of received data are now suppressable.
  • Upgrades reply() to always return even when there is an evaluation error. This allows it to be used safely in a loop without exiting early, for example.
  • Removes deprecated and defunct next_config().
  • Internal performance enhancements.
  • Updates bundled 'libnng' v1.8.0 with latest patches.

nanonext 1.2.1

19 Aug 06:48
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  • Re-optimizes custom serialization (whilst addressing CRAN clang-UBSAN checks).

nanonext 1.2.0

09 Aug 09:29
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New Features

  • Adds serial_config() to create configurations that can be set on Sockets to make use of custom serialization and unserialization functions for reference objects (plugs into the 'refhook' system of native R serialization).
  • 'opt<-'() now accepts the special option 'serial' for Sockets, which takes a configuration returned from serial_config().
  • Adds the 'poly' protocol for one-to-one of many socket connections (NNG's pair v1 polyamorous mode).
  • Adds is_ncurl_session() as a validation function.
  • Adds collect_pipe() for obtaining the underlying Pipe from a 'recvAio'. This affords more granular control of connections, with the ability to close individual pipes.
  • send_aio() now accept a Pipe to direct messages to a specific peer for supported protocols such as 'poly'.


  • Send mode 'next' is folded into the default 'serial', with custom serialization functions applying automatically if they have been registered.
  • The session-wide next_config() is now deprecated and defunct, in favour of the new serial_config().
  • ncurl_session() now returns 'errorValue' 7 (Object closed) when attempting to transact over a closed session or closing a closed session, rather than throwing an error.
  • collect_aio() and collect_aio_() no longer append empty names when acting on lists of Aios where there were none in the first place.
  • Removes hard dependency on stats and utils base packages.
  • Requires R >= 3.6.

nanonext 1.1.1

23 Jun 21:13
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New Features

  • Adds 'ncurlAio' method for promises::as.promise() and promises::is.promising() to enable 'ncurlAio' promises.
  • Adds x[] as a new method for an Aio x equivalent to collect_aio_(x), which waits for and collects the data.


  • request() specifying argument 'cv' other than NULL or a 'conditionVariable' will cause the pipe connection to be dropped when the reply is (asynchronously) completed.
  • Removes deprecated functions strcat(), recv_aio_signal() and request_signal().
  • Drops base64enc() and base64dec() in favour of those from the {secretbase} package.
  • msleep() now ignores negative values rather than taking the absolute value.
  • later is now relaxed to a soft 'suggests' dependency (only required if using promises).
  • promises is added as a soft 'enhances' dependency.

nanonext 1.1.0

03 Jun 16:55
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New Features

  • Adds collect_aio() and collect_aio_() to wait for and collect the data of an Aio or list of Aios.
  • unresolved(), call_aio(), call_aio()_ and stop_aio() now all accept a list of Aios.
  • pipe_notify() gains the ability to specify 'cv' as NULL to cancel previously-set signals.
  • ncurl_aio() modified internally to support conversion of 'ncurlAio' to event-driven promises.


  • recv_aio() and request() add argument 'cv' allowing optional signalling of a condition variable. The separate functions recv_aio_signal() and request_signal() are deprecated.
  • strcat() is deprecated as considered non-core - it is recommended to replace usage with sprintf().
  • status_code() now returns the status code combined with the explanation as a character string.
  • Performance enhancements for unresolved(), call_aio() and call_aio_().
  • Updates bundled 'libnng' v1.8.0 with latest patches.