A CLI tool to create K8S Job from CronJob spec by allowing you to replace the environment variable (literal only) when needed.
Your kubeconfig need to be configured.
Create a config from an existing cronjob
bakkutteh -j example-cronjob -t momo
You can use the dry run to show what will be applied into the K8S cluster
bakkutteh -j example-cronjob --dry-run -t jojo
Just run without the option -j
. A prompt will appear showing the list of cronjob allowing you to choose the list of cronjob that you're looking for
bakkutteh -- -t dodo --dry-run
bakkutteh -t hello-dodo -n default
> Select the cronjob that you want to use as a base of the job my-cronjob
Getting cronjob my-cronjob from namespace default
> Env for ADDITIONAL_VAR: hello dodo !
Job hello-dodo-manual created