A Pure PHP (without any external PHP-extension) Implementation of BLAKE-256, GROESTL-256, JH-256, SKEIN-256 and KECCAK-256 hashing (cryptography) algorithms. shift-reality/php-crypto is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
Installation (composer):
- Add git-repository:
"repositories": [ { "url": "/~https://github.com/shift-reality/php-crypto.git", "type": "git", "reference": "newlib" } ]
- require library:
"require": { "shift196/lib-akash": "1.0.*" }
- Register default algo:
- Register own hash function(algo):
\Shift196\AKashLib\Hasher::registerAlgo('MYHASH', new MyHashImpl());
should implement \Shift196\AKashLib\IHashFunction
- Make hash of hex-encoded data:
$algo = 'BLAKE256 or GROESTL256 or JH256 or SKEIN256 or KECCAK256';
$hashHex = \Shift196\AKashLib\Hasher::doHash($algo, \Shift196\AKashLib\InputDataSupplier::forHex($dataHex))->hex(TRUE);
- Create own data supplier:
Just extend \Shift196\AKashLib\InputDataSupplier
and implement abstract method getInputData
!!! WARNING !!!
!!! Don't use internal classes from \Shift196\AKashLib\Util
it can be changed without any notifications !!!
-use PHPUnit for testing -add more algos -write Perf & Password class