This game was created by Unity Technologies to demonstrate how you can build your own fully featured, multiplayer game with Unity. Get the source from the Unity Asset Store! You can play this game at this link
- Hone your skills in single-player training
- you can customize your tank in different colors
- Difficulty: Easy
- Topics: 3D games, MVC Design pattern, Singleton Pattern
- Version: Unity 2020.3.26f1 LTS
- Model script which contains all the data related to tank
- Veiw script which contains all functions related to tank
- Controller script which contains workflow of tank
- services script which conects all Model, View, and Controller and creates functional tank
- Enemy Base State
- Enemy Attacking State
- Enemy Chasing State
- Enemy Patrolling State
- For creating different types of Tanks
- for creating different types of Bullets