blog-template Public
Blog template engine with dashboard, profiles, comments, etc based on Asp.Net 7 MVC with MediatR, AutoMapper and other libs
Compus Public
SSH connection to a remote server via browser
OpenMeteoForecast Public
Weather forecast using OpenMeteo API with telegram integration
macropse Public archive
Macro creation tool (tested on Windows 10 only).
TournamentTree Public
Tournamet Tree / Selection Tree / Winner Tree / Looser Tree
BigIntegerExample Public
BigInt implementation ported from old C code
Expreval Public
Fast, Compact, Easy-To-Use Library for evaluating boolean (or your own) expressions.
1secMail-DotNet Public
DotNet API for creating & managing temporary emails based on 1secMail.
SystemVolumeManager Public
A simple Windows library for sound management
C++ The Unlicense UpdatedApr 3, 2022 -
GoodbyeDPI Public
Forked from ValdikSS/GoodbyeDPIGoodbyeDPI—Passive Deep Packet Inspection blocker and Active DPI circumvention utility (for Windows)
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 7, 2020