UPD May 24, 2021: The latest version of cenX and cen6 assemblies in CHM13 cell line are available as a part of a complete assembly of a human genome generated by the Telomere-to-Telomere Consortium (github). Assemblies described below should be considered interim versions and are deprecated.
Disclaimer: To replicate the assemblies from the Nature Biotechnology paper (see Publications
), please consider branch cF_NatBiotech_paper_Xv0.8.3-6v0.1.3
The version of centroFlye (and the corresponding assemblies) in master
branch can be more recent.
centroFlye (Bzikadze et al., 2020) is an algorithm for centromere assembly using long error-prone reads. Currently it supports assembly of a human centromere 6 (referred to as cen6) and X (referred to as cenX). Here we show how to apply it for the cen6 and cenX of the CHM13hTERT human cell line. The comparison of various cenX assemblies can be found in Bzikadze et al., 2020 and Mikheenko et al., 2020.
Please, clone the repository with submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules --single-branch --branch cF_NatBiotech_paper_Xv0.8.3-6v0.1.3 git@github.com:seryrzu/centroFlye.git
- C++ 14
- Python 3.6
- biopython (tested on version 1.70)
- click (tested on version 7.0)
- joblib (tested on version 0.14.1)
- matplotlib (tested on version 3.0.2)
- networkx (tested on version 2.2)
- numpy (tested on version 1.16.1)
- plotly (tested on version 4.4.1)
- pydot (tested on version 1.4.1)
- python-edlib (tested on version 1.2.4.post1)
- python-slugify (tested on version 4.0.0)
- regex (tested on version 2.4.104)
Required python packages can be installed through Conda with conda install --file requirements.txt
- Flye (v2.5, tested on commit:
) - Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder (NCRF) (Tested on commit :
Please note that all external software has to be in your PATH
Specifically binaries flye
and NCRF
have to be in PATH
— path where the T2T ONT reads are located (rel2, Guppy flip-flop 2.3.1, used for cenX assembly and can be downloaded from here; rel3, Guppy flip-flop 3.1.5, is used for cen6 assembly and can be downloaded from here ; also see github). The data is described in Miga, Koren et al., 2020.
The assemblies produced by the version of centroFlye in this branch are presented in the Nature Biotechnology paper (see Publications
These assemblies and all intermediate results of the pipeline described below are published at ZENODO.
For the latest versions of any assemblies produced by centroFlye please consult the master
If you want to run the whole centroFlye pipeline to generate cenX assembly with one command, please run
./run_all_cenX.sh <path_to_CHM13> results_cenX 50
You can customize the output directory and the number of threads:
./run_all_cenX.sh <path_to_CHM13> <output directory> <number of threads>
All intermediate and final results will then be placed in <output directory>
If you want to start from scratch you can simply remove this directory.
Required resources:
- Storage space: ~150GB (mostly from the first step "Recruitment of centromeric reads", see below)
- Clock time: ~9 hours (mostly recruitment of unique k-mers)
- RAM: peak usage up to 800GB
In this manual we go step-by-step demonstrating centroFlye algorithm. The detailed information about the algorithm can be found in the paper.
Please, run all commands from the root of the repository.
Results of all steps will be stored at results_cenX
We use 50x ultra-long Oxford Nanopore dataset generated by Telomere2Telomere Consorsium, rel2.
This step is run directly on the reads at the link.
The following bash script splits the input file in 50 files and runs DXZ1-based recruitment in 50 threads.
DXZ1 is supplied in the current repo at supplementary_data/DXZ1_rc.fasta
The result of this step is a fasta file with centromeric reads that is stored at results_cenX/centromeric_reads/centromeric_reads.fasta
From the root of the project run
make -C scripts/read_recruitment
and start recruitment (<path_to_CHM13>
is where the ONT reads are located, see section Dependencies/Data
bash scripts/read_recruitment/run_read_recruitment.sh \
<path_to_CHM13>/rel2.fastq.gz \
results_cenX/centromeric_reads 50 11100000
Required resources:
- Storage space: 150GB
- Clock time: 1 hour
- RAM: < 50MB
At this step we are utilizing centromeric reads from step 1 and run centroFlye on them.
The result of this step is the final cenX assembly that is stored at results_cenX/final_assembly.fasta
The following command uses 50 threads.
python centroFlye.py \
--coverage 32 \
--reads results_cenX/centromeric_reads/centromeric_reads.fasta \
-t 50 \
--outdir results_cenX \
--unit supplementary_data/DXZ1_rc.fasta
Required resources:
- Storage space: < 3GB
- Clock time: ~9 hours (mostly recruitment of unique k-mers)
- RAM: peak usage up to 800GB
centroFlye has a special module centroFlyeMono that uses only alpha satellite structure to assemble centromeres. The steps below describe how to apply it to cen6 assembly.
If you want to run the whole centroFlyeMono pipeline to generate cen6 assembly with one command, please run
./run_all_cen6.sh <path_to_CHM13> results_cen6 50
You can customize the output directory and the number of threads:
./run_all_cen6.sh <path_to_CHM13> <output directory> <number of threads>
All intermediate and final results will then be placed in <output directory>
If you want to start from scratch you can simply remove this directory.
In this manual we go step-by-step demonstrating centroFlyeMono algorithm. The detailed information about the algorithm can be found in the paper.
Please, run all commands from the root of the repository.
Results of all steps will be stored at results_cen6
We use 120x ultra-long Oxford Nanopore dataset generated by Telomere2Telomere Consorsium, rel3.
This step is run directly on the reads at the link.
The following bash script splits the input file in 50 files and runs D6Z1-based recruitment in 50 threads.
D6Z1 is supplied in the current repo at supplementary_data/D6Z1.fasta
The result of this step is a fasta file with centromeric reads that is stored at results_cen6/centromeric_reads/centromeric_reads.fasta
From the root of the project run
make -C scripts/read_recruitment
and start recruitment (<path_to_CHM13>
is where the ONT reads are located, see section Dependencies/Data
bash scripts/read_recruitment/run_read_recruitment.sh \
<path_to_CHM13>/rel3.fastq.gz \
results_cen6/centromeric_reads 50 29000000 \
supplementary_data/D6Z1.fasta \
Required resources:
- Storage space: 150GB
- Clock time: 1 hour
- RAM: < 50MB
We use String Decomposer (SD; Dvorkina et al., 2020) to partition cen6 reads into distinct monomers of D6Z1.
These monomers are supplied in the current repo at supplementary_data/D6Z1_monomers.fasta
The result of this step is the report of SD which is stored at results_cen6/string_decomposer_report
The following commands take 50 threads
python scripts/ext/stringdecomposer/longreads_decomposer.py \
-s results_cen6/centromeric_reads/centromeric_reads.fasta \
-m supplementary_data/D6Z1_monomers.fasta \
-t 50
mkdir results_cen6/string_decomposer_report
mv decomposition{.tsv,_alt.tsv} results_cen6/string_decomposer_report
Required resources:
- Storage space: 6GB
- Clock time: 9h
- RAM: < 10GB
At this step we are utilizing string decomposer output on cen6 reads and run centromFlyeMono on them.
The final cen6 assembly is located in results_cen6/centroFlyeMono_cen6/polishing/scaffold_0/scaffold_0.fasta
python scripts/centroFlyeMono.py \
--sd-report results_cen6/string_decomposer_report/decomposition.tsv \
--monomers supplementary_data/D6Z1_monomers.fasta \
--centromeric-reads results_cen6/centromeric_reads/centromeric_reads.fasta \
--outdir results_cen6/centroFlyeMono_cen6
Required resources:
- Storage space: 120MB
- Clock time: 30 mins
- RAM: < 1GB
- Bzikadze A.V., Pevzner P.A. centroFlye: Assembling Centromeres with Long Error-Prone Reads, Nature Biotechnology, in press, 2020
- Dvorkina T., Bzikadze A.V., Pevzner P.A. The String Decomposition Problem and its Applications to Centromere Assembly, Bioinformatics, in press, 2020
- Miga, K.H., Koren, S., Rhie, A., Vollger, M.R., Gershman, A., Bzikadze, A., Brooks, S., Howe, E., Porubsky, D., Logsdon, G.A., et al. Telomere-to-telomere assembly of a complete human X chromosome, Nature, in press, 2020
- Mikheenko, A., Bzikadze, A.V., Gurevich, A., Miga, K.H., and Pevzner, P.A. TandemMapper and TandemQUAST: mapping long reads and assessing/improving assembly quality in extra-long tandem repeats, Bioinformatics, in press, 2020
Please report any problems to the issue tracker. Alternatively, you can write directly to abzikadze@ucsd.edu.