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Releases: serkor1/SLmetrics

{SLmetics} v0.3-2

03 Feb 12:51
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Version 0.3-2 is considered pre-release of {SLmetrics}. We do not
expect any breaking changes, unless a major bug/issue is reported and
its nature forces breaking changes.

🚀 Improvements

  • Regression metrics (See PR
    All regression
    metrics have had their back-end optimized and are now 2-10 times
    faster than prior versions.
  • LAPACK/BLAS Support
    support for efficient matrix-operations.
  • OpenMP: Enabling/disabling OpenMP is now handled on the R-side
    and obeys suppressMessages(). See below:
## suppress OpenMP messages

🔥 New features

  • Available threads: The available number of threads can be
    retrieved using the openmp.threads(). See below:
## number of available
## threads
#> [1] 24

🐛 Bug-fixes

  • Diagnostic Odds Ratio: The dor() is now returning a single
    <[numeric]>-value instead of k number of identical

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • OpenMP Interface: The interface to enabling/disabling OpenMP
    support has been reworked and has a more natural flow. The new
    interface is described below:
## enable OpenMP
#> OpenMP enabled!
## disable OpenMP
#> OpenMP disabled!

To set the number of threads use the openmp.threads() as follows:

## set number of threads
#> Using 3 threads.


Full Changelog: v0.3-1...v0.3-2

{SLmetrics} v0.3-1

11 Jan 13:21
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Version 0.3-1 is considered pre-release of {SLmetrics}. We do not
expect any breaking changes, unless a major bug/issue is reported and
its nature forces breaking changes.

🚀 Improvements

  • OpenMP Support (PR #40):
    {SLmetrics} now supports parallelization through OpenMP. The OpenMP
    can be utilized as follows:
# 1) probability distribution
# generator
rand.sum <- function(n){
    x <- sort(runif(n-1))
    c(x,1) - c(0,x)

# 2) generate probability
# matrix
pk <- t(replicate(100,rand.sum(1e3)))

# 3) Enable OpenMP
#> OpenMP usage set to: enabled
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.211   0.001   0.010

# 3) Disable OpenMP
#> OpenMP usage set to: disabled
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.001   0.000   0.001
  • Entropy with soft labels
    cross.entropy() and relative.entropy() have been introduced. These
    functions are heavily inspired by {scipy}. The functions can be used
    as follows:
# 1) Define actual
# and observed probabilities

# 1.1) actual probabilies
pk <- matrix(
  cbind(1/2, 1/2),
  ncol = 2

# 1.2) observed (estimated) probabilites
qk <- matrix(
  cbind(9/10, 1/10), 
  ncol = 2

# 2) calculate
# Entropy
  "Entropy", SLmetrics::entropy(
  "Relative Entropy", SLmetrics::relative.entropy(
  "Cross Entropy", SLmetrics::cross.entropy(
  sep = "\n"
#> Entropy
#> 0.6931472
#> Relative Entropy
#> 0.5108256
#> Cross Entropy
#> 1.203973

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • logloss: The argument response have ben renamed to qk as in
    the entropy()-family to maintain some degree of consistency.
  • entropy.factor(): The function have been deleted and is no more.
    This was mainly due to avoid the documentation from being too large.
    The logloss()-function replaces it.

🐛 Bug-fixes

  • Plot-method in ROC and prROC
    Fixed a bug in
    plot.ROC() and plot.prROC() where if panels = FALSE additional
    lines would be added to the plot.

{SLmetrics} v0.3-0

30 Dec 13:25
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Version 0.3-0 is considered pre-release of {SLmetrics}. We do not
expect any breaking changes, unless a major bug/issue is reported and
its nature forces breaking changes.

See NEWS or commit history for detailed changes.

📚 What?

🚀 New features

This update introduces four new features. These are described below,

Cross-Entropy Loss (PR #34): Weighted and unweighted cross-entropy loss. The function can be used as follows,

# 1) define classes and
# observed classes (actual)
classes <- c("Class A", "Class B")

actual   <- factor(
  c("Class A", "Class B", "Class A"), 
  levels = classes


# 2) define probabilites
# and construct response_matrix
response <- c(
  0.2, 0.8, 
  0.8, 0.2, 
  0.7, 0.3

response_matrix <- matrix(
  nrow = 3,
  ncol = 2,
  byrow = TRUE

colnames(response_matrix) <- classes

#>      Class A Class B
#> [1,]     0.2     0.8
#> [2,]     0.8     0.2
#> [3,]     0.7     0.3

# 3) calculate entropy
#> [1] 1.19185

Relative Root Mean Squared Error (Commit 5521b5b):

The function normalizes the Root Mean Squared Error by a factor. There is no official way of normalizing it - and in {SLmetrics} the RMSE can be normalized using three options; mean-, range- and IQR-normalization. It can be used as follows,

# 1) define values
actual <- rnorm(1e3)
predicted <- actual + rnorm(1e3)

# 2) calculate Relative Root Mean Squared Error
  "Mean Relative Root Mean Squared Error", SLmetrics::rrmse(
    actual        = actual,
    predicted     = predicted,
    normalization = 0
  "Range Relative Root Mean Squared Error", SLmetrics::rrmse(
    actual        = actual,
    predicted     = predicted,
    normalization = 1
  "IQR Relative Root Mean Squared Error", SLmetrics::rrmse(
    actual        = actual,
    predicted     = predicted,
    normalization = 2
  sep = "\n"

#> Mean Relative Root Mean Squared Error
#> 2751.381
#> Range Relative Root Mean Squared Error
#> 0.1564043
#> IQR Relative Root Mean Squared Error
#> 0.7323898

Weighted Receiver Operator Characteristics and Precision-Recall Curves (PR #31):

These functions returns the weighted version of TPR, FPR and precision, recalll in weighted.ROC() and weighted.prROC() respectively. The weighted.ROC()-function1 can be used as follows,

actual    <- factor(sample(c("Class 1", "Class 2"), size = 1e6, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.7, 0.3)))
response  <- ifelse(actual == "Class 1", rbeta(sum(actual == "Class 1"), 2, 5), rbeta(sum(actual == "Class 2"), 5, 2))
w         <- ifelse(actual == "Class 1", runif(sum(actual == "Class 1"), 0.5, 1.5), runif(sum(actual == "Class 2"), 1, **2))
# Plot
plot(SLmetrics::weighted.ROC(actual, response, w))

⚠️ Breaking Changes

  • Weighted Confusion Matix: The w-argument in cmatrix() has been
    removed in favor of the more verbose weighted confusion matrix call
    weighted.cmatrix()-function. See below,

Prior to version 0.3-0 the weighted confusion matrix were a part of
the cmatrix()-function and were called as follows,

    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    w         = weights

This solution, although simple, were inconsistent with the remaining
implementation of weighted metrics in {SLmetrics}. To regain consistency
and simplicity the weighted confusion matrix are now retrieved as

# 1) define factors
actual    <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE))
predicted <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE))
weights   <- runif(length(actual))

# 2) without weights
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted
#>    a  b  c
#> a  7  8 18
#> b  6 13 15
#> c 15 14  4
# 2) with weights
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    w         = weights
#>          a        b        c
#> a 3.627355 4.443065 7.164199
#> b 3.506631 5.426818 8.358687
#> c 6.615661 6.390454 2.233511

🐛 Bug-fixes

  • Return named vectors: The classification metrics when
    micro == NULL were not returning named vectors. This has been fixed.
  1. The syntax is the same for weighted.prROC()

{SLmetrics} v0.2-0

22 Dec 01:12
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Version 0.2-0 is considered pre-release of {SLmetrics}. We do not
expect any breaking changes, unless a major bug/issue is reported and
its nature forces breaking changes.


  • documentation: The documentation has gotten some extra love, and
    now all functions have their formulas embedded, the details section
    have been freed from a general description of [factor] creation.
    This will make room for future expansions on the various functions
    where more details are required.

  • weighted classification metrics: The cmatrix()-function now
    accepts the argument w which is the sample weights; if passed the
    respective method will return the weighted metric. Below is an example
    using sample weights for the confusion matrix,

# 1) define factors
actual    <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE))
predicted <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE))
weights   <- runif(length(actual))

# 2) without weights
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted
#>    a  b  c
#> a 16  6  8
#> b 14 10 11
#> c  5 15 15
# 2) with weights
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    w         = weights
#>          a        b        c
#> a 8.796270 3.581817 3.422532
#> b 6.471277 4.873632 5.732148
#> c 0.908202 8.319738 8.484611

Calculating weighted metrics manually or by using

# 1) weigthed confusion matrix
# and weighted accuray
confusion_matrix <- SLmetrics::cmatrix(
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    w         = weights

# 2) pass into accuracy
# function
#> [1] 0.4379208
# 3) calculate the weighted
# accuracy manually
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    w         = weights
#> [1] 0.4379208

Please note, however, that it is not possible to pass cmatix()-into

  • Unit-testing: All functions are now being tested for edge-cases in
    balanced and imbalanced classifcation problems, and regression
    problems, individually. This will enable a more robust development
    process and prevent avoidable bugs.
#> Error in UseMethod(generic = "weighted.accuracy", object = ..1) : 
#>   no applicable method for 'weighted.accuracy' applied to an object of class "cmatrix"


  • Floating precision: Metrics would give different results based on
    the method used. This means that foo.cmatrix() and foo.factor()
    would produce different results (See Issue
    #16). This has been fixed
    by using higher precision Rcpp::NumericMatrix instead of

  • Miscalculation of Confusion Matrix elements: An error in how FN,
    TN, FP and TP were calculated have been fixed. No issue has been
    raised for this bug. This was not something that was caught by the
    unit-tests, as the total samples were too high to spot this error. It
    has, however, been fixed now. This means that all metrics that uses
    these explicitly are now stable, and produces the desired output.

  • Calculation Error in Fowlks Mallows Index: A bug in the
    calculation of the fmi()-function has been fixed. The
    fmi()-function now correctly calculates the measure.

  • Calculation Error in Pinball Deviance and Concordance Correlation
    See issue
    #19. Switched to unbiased
    variance calculation in ccc()-function. The pinball()-function
    were missing a weighted quantile function. The issue is now fixed.

  • Calculation Error in Balanced Accuracy: See issue
    #24. The function now
    correctly adjusts for random chance, and the result matches that of

  • Calculation Error in F-beta Score: See issue
    #23. The function werent
    respecting na.rm and micro, this has been fixed accordingly.

  • Calculation Error in Relative Absolute Error: The function was
    incorrectly calculating means, instead of sums. This has been fixed.

Breaking changes

  • All regression metrics have had na.rm- and w-arguments removed.
    All weighted regression metrics have a seperate function on the to increase consistency across all metrics. See
    example below,
# 1) define regression problem
actual    <- rnorm(n = 1e3)
predicted <- actual + rnorm(n = 1e3)
w         <- runif(n = 1e3)

# 2) unweighted metrics
SLmetrics::rmse(actual, predicted)
#> [1] 0.9613081
# 3) weighted metrics
SLmetrics::weighted.rmse(actual, predicted, w = w)
#> [1] 0.957806
  • The rrmse()-function have been removed in favor of the
    rrse()-function. This function was incorrectly specified and
    described in the package.

{SLmetrics} v0.1-1

08 Dec 18:25
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Version 0.1-1 is considered pre-release of {SLmetrics}. We do not
expect any breaking changes, unless a major bug/issue is reported and
its nature forces breaking changes.


  • Backend changes: All pair-wise metrics arer moved from {Rcpp} to
    C++, this have reduced execution time by half. All pair-wise metrics
    are now faster.


  • NA-controls: All pair-wise metrics that doesn’t have a
    micro-argument were handling missing values as according to C++
    and {Rcpp} internals. See
    Issue. Thank you
    @EmilHvitfeldt for pointing this out. This has now been fixed so
    functions uses an na.rm-argument to explicitly control for this.
    See below,
# 1) define factors
actual    <- factor(c("no", "yes"))
predicted <- factor(c(NA, "no"))

# 2) accuracy with na.rm = TRUE
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    na.rm     = TRUE
#> [1] 0
# 2) accuracy with na.rm = FALSE
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted,
    na.rm     = FALSE
#> [1] NaN


  • The plot.prROC()- and plot.ROC()-functions now adds a line to
    the plot when panels = FALSE. See Issue
# 1) define actual
# classes
actual <- factor(
  sample(letters[1:2], size = 100, replace = TRUE)

# 2) define response
# probabilities
response <- runif(100)

# 3) calculate
# ROC and prROC

# 3.1) ROC
roc <- SLmetrics::ROC(

# 3.2) prROC
prroc <- SLmetrics::prROC(

# 4) plot with panels
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  panels = FALSE

    panels = FALSE

{SLmetrics} v0.1-0

02 Dec 19:22
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Version 0.1-0 is considered pre-release of {SLmetrics}. We do not
expect any breaking changes, unless a major bug/issue is reported and
its nature forces breaking changes.


  • {SLmetrics} is a collection of Machine Learning performance
    evaluation functions for supervised learning. Visit the online
    documentation on GitHub


Supervised classification metrics

# 1) actual classes
    actual <- factor(
        sample(letters[1:3], size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#>  [1] b a b b a c b c c a
#> Levels: a b c
# 2) predicted classes
    predicted <- factor(
        sample(letters[1:3], size = 10, replace = TRUE)
#>  [1] c c a b a b c c a c
#> Levels: a b c
# 1) calculate confusion
# matrix and summarise
# it
    confusion_matrix <- SLmetrics::cmatrix(
        actual    = actual,
        predicted = predicted
#> Confusion Matrix (3 x 3) 
#> ================================================================================
#>   a b c
#> a 1 0 2
#> b 1 1 2
#> c 1 1 1
#> ================================================================================
#> Overall Statistics (micro average)
#>  - Accuracy:          0.30
#>  - Balanced Accuracy: 0.31
#>  - Sensitivity:       0.30
#>  - Specificity:       0.65
#>  - Precision:         0.30
# 2) calculate false positive
# rate using micro average
#>         a         b         c 
#> 0.2857143 0.1666667 0.5714286

Supervised regression metrics

# 1) actual values
actual <- rnorm(n = 100)

# 2) predicted values
predicted <- actual + rnorm(n = 100)
# 1) calculate
# huber loss
    actual    = actual,
    predicted = predicted
#> [1] 0.394088