Instagram clone app for android
- Features
- Screenshots
- Installation
- Implementations
- Permissions
- Api Docs
- Database Design
- Data Binding
- DI (Hilt-Dagger2)
- Shared Preferences
- Retrofit
- Rest Api (PHP-MySQL)
Installation steps:
- clone repository:
git clone /~
- open project on android studio ide:
file > open
- change base url in api class:
- create database:
create database instagram_clone
- import tables into your database:
- clone api files to your server:
git clone /~
- change database host, name, user and password with yours:
- ViewModel-LiveData
- Hilt-Dagger2
- Retrofit
- Gson
- Navigation
- Picasso
- Swipe Refresh Layout
Required permissions to run this application:
- Internet
- Read External Storage
- Write External Storage
- Base Url -> http://your_site_adress/api/v1/
- Authentication -> Basic Auth
- Authentication User -> admin
- Authentication Password -> 123456
You can change auth user and password,
in api ->api/v1/utils/db.php
in application ->com.serhat.instagram.api.ApiClient
Request Method | Parameters | Response | Description |
GET | User List | Get all users | |
GET | user_name (string) | User List | Filter users by name |
GET | user_id (integer) | User | Get user details |
POST | user_name (string) user_password (string) |
User | Sign In |
POST | user_email (string) user_name (string) user_password (string) |
User | Sign Up |
POST | user_id (integer) image (file) |
User | Update profile photo |
POST | user_id (integer) image_name (string) |
User | Remove profile photo |
PUT | user model | User | Update user |
Request Method | Parameters | Response | Description |
GET | user_id (integer) is_feed = 1 |
Post List | Get feed |
GET | user_id (integer) is_feed = 0 |
Post List | Get posts (in profile page) |
GET | post_id (integer) | Post | Get post details |
POST | image (file) post_description (string) post_owner (integer) |
Api Response | Share post |
PUT | post model | Api Response | Edit post |
DELETE | post_id (integer) | Api Response | Delete post |
Request Method | Parameters | Response | Description |
POST | comment_text (string) comment_post (integer) comment_owner (integer) |
Api Response | Share post |
PUT | comment model | Api Response | Edit comment |
DELETE | comment_id (integer) | Api Response | Delete comment |
Request Method | Parameters | Response | Description |
GET | user_id (integer) | Notification List | Get notifications |
PUT | user model | Api Response | Mark notifications as seen |
DELETE | user_id (integer) | Api Response | Clear notifications |
Request Method | Parameters | Response | Description |
GET | user_id (integer) | Post List | Get saved posts |
POST | user_id (integer) post_id (integer) |
Api Response | Save post |
DELETE | user_id (integer) post_id (integer) |
Api Response | Unsave post |
Request Method | Parameters | Response | Description |
POST | user_id (integer) post_id (integer) |
Api Response | Like post |
DELETE | user_id (integer) post_id (integer) |
Api Response | Unlike post |
Request Method | Parameters | Response | Description |
POST | follower_id (integer) following_id (integer) |
Api Response | Follow |
DELETE | follower_id (integer) following_id (integer) |
Api Response | Unfollow |
column | type |
user_id (pk) | int(11) |
user_email | varchar(50) |
user_name | varchar(25) |
user_password | varchar(50) |
user_fullname | varchar(50) |
user_photo | varchar(15) |
user_bio | varchar(250) |
user_profile_private | tinyint(1) |
column | type |
notification_id (pk) | int(11) |
notification_text | text |
notification_resource (fk: users, posts) | int(11) |
notification_type | int(11) |
notification_receiver (fk: users) | int(11) |
received_at | varchar(24) |
is_seen | tinyint(1) |
column | type |
post_id (pk) | int(11) |
post_photo | varchar(15) |
post_description | varchar(250) |
post_owner (fk: users) | int(11) |
created_at | varchar(24) |
column | type |
comment_id (pk) | int(11) |
comment_text | varchar(250) |
comment_post (fk: posts) | int(11) |
comment_owner (fk: users) | int(11) |
created_at | varchar(24) |
column | type |
follower_id (fk: users) | int(11) |
following_id (fk: users) | int(11) |
column | type |
post_id (fk: posts) | int(11) |
user_id (fk: users) | int(11) |
column | type |
post_id (fk: posts) | int(11) |
user_id (fk: users) | int(11) |
table | time | event | description |
posts | after | delete | delete comments, post likes etc. |
follow | after | insert | send notification |
post_likes | after | insert | send notification |
comments | after | insert | send notification |