Converter from OpenStreetMap data to OpenOrienteering Mapper format.
See Downloads or build from source
git clone /~
cd osm2xmap
make && make install
Users of Arch Linux may use an AUR package.
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb debian contrib' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/libroxml.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libroxml0 libroxml-dev libproj0 libproj-dev libyaml-cpp0.3 libyaml-cpp0.3-dev
Download OSM data from You can also use JOSM editor for download data.
Convert downloaded file with the following command
osm2xmap map.osm
For more options see osm2xmap --help
You can open and edit resulting file in OpenOrienteering Mapper v0.6.6 or newer.
- Supported points, lines and multipolygons.
- Copies all OSM tags (press Ctrl+Shift+6 in OOM to see).
- You can configure converting rules (see
- Replace Libroxml
- Rules for other symbol sets