Ruby interface to hunspell spell checker Copyright 2007, Gabor SEBESTYEN
Hunspell is an simple native Ruby interface to the famous Hunspell spell checker library which is part of OpenOffice and Mozilla products. With this bundle you can start to develop your own AJAX based spell checker service for Ruby on Rails.
Before installing Hunspell ensure you have the following components already installed:
- Ruby >= 1.8
- rubygems
- hunspell native library >= 1.3 (libhunspell-1.3)
- dictionary files: download from LibreOffice or OpenOffice websites.
The best way to get Hunspell is to use gem package manager
gem install hunspell
NOTE: if install fails on newer OSX versions, try this command
sudo ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install hunspell
If you want to build Hunspell from scratch grab the source from here and execute the following command
ruby extconf.rb && make
FreeBSD gotcha: hunspell spell checker package does not deploy its header files. Run gem or ruby command with an extra option:
gem install hunspell -- --with-include-dir=<incdir>
ruby extconf.rb --with-include-dir=<incdir> && make
Replace incdir with the path pointing to hunspell includes.
Here's a basic example how to use Hunspell. Cut it and run in ruby.
require "rubygems" # import gem package manager
gem "hunspell" # load Hunspell module
require "Hunspell" # inject Hunspell class to Ruby namespace
# instantiate Hunspell with Hungarian affix and dictionary files
sp ="hu_HU.aff", "hu_HU.dic")
# spell check Hungarian word 'ablak' (window) => true
puts "Is 'ablak' correct? #{sp.spellcheck('ablak')}"
# get suggestions for mispelled word 'paprika'
# => ["kaprica", "patrica", "paprika", "papcica",
# "papráca", "papruca", "paprima", "paprikáz",
# "paprikása", "paprikás", "Papradnó"
# ]
puts "Suggestions for 'paprica': " + sp.suggest("paprica").inspect
Note you might run this example with -Ke ruby option if you want to see accented letters instead of backslash prefixed utf codes.
Any help or report are warmly appreciated. Please visit the project's homepage at /~ and open an issue.