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Permalink [V795]
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seanpm2001 authored Feb 28, 2025
1 parent 370b38d commit d38ac40
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 20 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ KO: 다음 6개의 오디오 파일이 적용됩니다.

# 🇺🇦️ Counter / Лічильник / Прилавок / Лічыльнік / 계수기 🇺🇦️

- The Ukrainian Flag Emoji appears in this document `6038` times (as of 2025.02.26)
- UA/UK: У цьому документі з'являється емодзі прапора України `6038` разів (станом на 2025.02.26)
- RU: Эмодзи Флаг Украины появляется в этом документе `6038` раз (по состоянию на 2025.02.26)
- BE: Emoji ўкраінскага сцяга з'яўляецца ў гэтым дакуменце `6038` разоў (на 2025.02.26)
- KO: 우크라이나 국기 이모지는 이 문서에 `6038` 번 등장합니다(2025.02.26 기준)
- The Ukrainian Flag Emoji appears in this document `6041` times (as of 2025.02.27)
- UA/UK: У цьому документі з'являється емодзі прапора України `6041` разів (станом на 2025.02.27)
- RU: Эмодзи Флаг Украины появляется в этом документе `6041` раз (по состоянию на 2025.02.27)
- BE: Emoji ўкраінскага сцяга з'яўляецца ў гэтым дакуменце `6041` разоў (на 2025.02.27)
- KO: 우크라이나 국기 이모지는 이 문서에 `6041` 번 등장합니다(2025.02.27 기준)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1010,6 +1010,7 @@ KO: 다음 6개의 오디오 파일이 적용됩니다.
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 868: 2025, February 24th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 869: 2025, February 25th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 870: 2025, February 26th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 871: 2025, February 27th

<!-- Coming soon entry has been removed, in the possibility that the war could end the next day !-->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2118,6 +2119,7 @@ KO: 다음 6개의 오디오 파일이 적용됩니다.
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1097, 2025, Monday, February 24th (3 year anniversary of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine)
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1098, 2025, Tuesday, February 25th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1099, 2025, Wednesday, February 26th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 1100, 2025, Thursday, February 27th

<!-- Possible confusion note
The 1 year anniversary may be 1 day off, because they might report it from Ukraines time (EEST, Eastern Europe Summer Time) which is 10 hours ahead of my time (PST, Pacific Standard Time)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6158,12 +6160,13 @@ The 1 year anniversary may be 1 day off, because they might report it from Ukrai
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4022: 2025, February 24th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4023: 2025, February 25th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4024: 2025, February 26th
- [x] 🇺🇦️ Day 4025: 2025, February 27th

- After 4,024 days, it is still Ukraine. Slava Ukraini! [Calculation source](
- UA/UK: після 4,024 днів, це все ще Україна. Слава Україні!
- RU: Спустя 4,024 дня это все еще Украина. Слава Украине!
- BE: Праз 4,024 дзён гэта ўсё яшчэ Украіна. Слава Украіне!
- KO: 4,024 일 후에도 여전히 우크라이나입니다. 슬라바 우크라이나!
- After 4,025 days, it is still Ukraine. Slava Ukraini! [Calculation source](
- UA/UK: після 4,025 днів, це все ще Україна. Слава Україні!
- RU: Спустя 4,025 дня это все еще Украина. Слава Украине!
- BE: Праз 4,025 дзён гэта ўсё яшчэ Украіна. Слава Украіне!
- KO: 4,025 일 후에도 여전히 우크라이나입니다. 슬라바 우크라이나!

#### N1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6203,7 +6206,7 @@ The 1 year anniversary may be 1 day off, because they might report it from Ukrai
- **BE: Тып файла:** `Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`
- **KO: 파일 유형:** `Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)`

- **File version:** `794 (2025, Wednesday, February 26th at 06:18 pm PST)`
- **File version:** `795 (2025, Thursday, February 27th at 07:42 pm PST)`

> **Translation not available (Ukrainian) Переклад відсутній (українська)**
Expand All @@ -6213,11 +6216,11 @@ The 1 year anniversary may be 1 day off, because they might report it from Ukrai
> **Translation not available (Korean) 번역이 불가능합니다. (한국어)**
- **Line count (including blank lines and compiler line):** `8,265`
- **UA/UK: Кількість рядків (включно з порожніми рядками та рядком компілятора):** `8,265`
- **RU: Количество строк (включая пустые строки и строку компилятора):** `8,265`
- **BE: Колькасць радкоў (уключаючы пустыя радкі і радок кампілятара):** `8,265`
- **KO: 줄 수(빈 줄과 컴파일러 줄 포함):** `8,265`
- **Line count (including blank lines and compiler line):** `8,288`
- **UA/UK: Кількість рядків (включно з порожніми рядками та рядком компілятора):** `8,288`
- **RU: Количество строк (включая пустые строки и строку компилятора):** `8,288`
- **BE: Колькасць радкоў (уключаючы пустыя радкі і радок кампілятара):** `8,288`
- **KO: 줄 수(빈 줄과 컴파일러 줄 포함):** `8,288`

- **Current article language:** `English (EN_USA)` / `Ukrainian (UA_UKRAINE)` / `Russian (RU_RUSSIA)` / `Markdown (CommonMark)` / `HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5.3)`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -8168,6 +8171,26 @@ The 1 year anniversary may be 1 day off, because they might report it from Ukrai


<details><summary><p lang="en"><b>Version 795 (2025, Thursday, February 27th at 07:42 pm PST)</b></p></summary>

- **This version was made by:** [`@seanpm2001`](/~

> Changes:
- [x] Updated the Ukrainian flag counter section, with a new value of `6041`
- [x] Updated the main list to include an entry for 2025, February 27th (day 920)
- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war since the 2022 Invasion (1,100 days)
- [x] Updated the list of all days of the war (4,025 days)
- [x] Updated the file info section
- [x] Updated the changelog
- - [x] Added an entry for version 795
- [x] Updated the `Additional notes` section
- [ ] No other changes in version 795

</details> <!-- V795 !-->


_End of file history._

</details> <!-- End of file history !-->
Expand All @@ -8182,11 +8205,11 @@ _End of file history._

<!-- TODO !--> TODO: Translate this section

- Total consecutive days: 870 (as of 2025, Wednesday, February 26th)
- Days with an update: 794 (as of 2025, Wednesday, February 26th)
- Days without an update: 77 (as of 2025, Wednesday, February 26th)
- Total consecutive days: 871 (as of 2025, Thursday, February 27th)
- Days with an update: 795 (as of 2025, Thursday, February 27th)
- Days without an update: 77 (as of 2025, Thursday, February 27th)
- - The goal of listening to the specific music was met on this day, but the file was not updated
- Ratio: 794/870 = 91.264% (as of 2025, Wednesday, February 26th)
- Ratio: 795/871 = 91.274% (as of 2025, Thursday, February 27th)

<!-- [OBSOLETE, 2024.07.04] Still not as high as Putins "approval" ratings (2024 "election") 88.48% !-->

Expand Down

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