This is a prototype of a distributed autonomic personal data storage system built using the SOS model and architecture.
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| Warning/Notes: |
| This is a prototype version of the SOS. |
| Use this software at your own discretion! |
| There are still bugs and missing features. |
| Visit /~ for more info |
|-- sos
|-- docs // Webpage for this project
|-- documentation // Documentation about this SOS prototype
|-- sos-core // The core of the SOS
|-- sos-rest // REST interface for the SOS
|-- sos-rest-jetty // Jetty server
|-- sos-filesystem // File system used for the WebDAV server
|-- web-ui // Web UI for the SOS
|-- sos-app // Basic application to run a SOS node (with webui and WebDAV)
|-- sos-web-archive // Example of an application using the SOS
|-- git-to-sos // Utility that converts a git repository into SOS content
|-- sos-experiments // Code with configurations files for the experiments
|-- experiments // Scripts to analyse experiments results
// + datasets and contexts used for the experiments
// + Results are written here, under the output (local) or remote (distributed exp) folders
|-- sos-instrument // Instrumentation code. Useful to get results for the experiments.
|-- scripts // A bunch of useful scripts
|-- // This README file
The sos-core module contains the code to manage a SOS node and with it:
- create and manage manifests
- manage metadata and contexts
- manage the SOS services (agent, storage, nodeDiscoveryService, dataDiscoveryService, metadataService, etc...)
In this section we provide a brief insight to some of the modules of the SOS project.
The sos-rest project defines the REST API. This is server-agnostic. We provide a server implementation on top of the jersey REST API (see the sos-rest-jetty module).
The sos-filesystem is a very basic example of how the SOS model can be mapped to a real world application.
The mapping used is the following:
- file :: version manifest -> atom manifest -> atom data
- directory :: version manifest -> compound manifest
The sos-filesystem is used in the sos-app. Here, the filesystem is passed to a WebDAV server (/~ and the WebUI project. The WebDAV server exposes the sos-fs to the OS as well as to any other application that wishes to interact with the SOS.
This is a WebDAV server running on top of the SOS. The content provided by the WebDAV uses the structure defined by the sos-filesystem.
This is a very very simple web crawler that added web content to the SOS. Plus this application includes a tiny server that mocks "the internet" and provides what is crawled through the browser.
The web-ui exposes the sos-filesystem, similarly to the WebDAV server. However, here we are not constrained by the WebDAV protocol, thus we are able to demonstrate additional features of the SOS.
- mvn package
- mvn license:format
This work is developed by Simone Ivan Conte (@sic2) as part of his PhD thesis.
Simone is supervised by Prof. Alan Dearle and Dr. Graham Kirby from the University of St Andrews.