Project MaPPIng
Project MaPPping focuses on large-scale infrastructure that can increase connectivity with many of the megacities that arise from the intensive urbanization of Asia. The project aims to collect, analyze, and visualize these relevant indicators to show how sustainable development in Asia is happening and how to move forward.
- Phase 1
In December 2019, SDP was selected as the Data Reviewer and Research Assistant for the World Bank Group Singapore PPI team for the first time as an undergraduate group to participate in the "The World Bank 2019 PPI Report" project. SDP conducted open-source tracking and data review of all Private Partition Infrastructure (PPI) Deals conducted at Developing Country in 2019.
- Phase 2
We continue to work with the World Bank through the "PPI Deal Tracking" project. In response to global pandemic in 2020, we collect and classify PPI Deals that have been affected by Covid-19. Furthermore, the goal is to build a SDP-specific infrastructure database to increase competitiveness.
- Phase 3
Based on the infrastructure database of SDPs built through the previous Phases, we plan to make visualizations that can derive insights to all the interested parties(and here it is!)
SDP Failure Map uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
Plugin | README |
jQuery 3.5.1 | /~ |
Leaflet 1.7.1 | |
Select2 ~4.0 | |
rangeSlider | |
leaflet.awesome-markers 2.0.5 | /~ |
L.EasyButton | /~ |
And of course SDP FailureMap itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Sustainable Development Program
- Webpage :
- Instagram: @_sdp_official
- Email:
- install packages
npm i
- install sass globally to use sass complier
npm i -g sass
- run server
npm run dev
deploy sever
- we don't need to compile scss, Run index file only
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js