for use
raspberry - router - (repiter) - one or more esp(espeasy)
or only raspberry
or raspberry and esp
fill in the file - const_zones.json
"zones": [
{"name": "z1", "gpio": "14", "norm": 3, "http_esp": ""},
{"name": "z2", "gpio": "12", "norm": 3, "http_esp": ""},
{"name": "z3", "gpio": "25", "norm": 2},
{"name": "z4", "gpio": "27", "norm": 4}],
"start_h_watering": 19
if present key 'http_esp', then used gpio on esp, else used gpio raspberry pi (orange pi, etc)
key 'norm' - norm waterin in mm/m2
add the following content to crontab:
00 22 * * * python3 /your_path/ > /dev/null 2>&1
*/15 * * * * python3 /your_path/ > /dev/null 2>&1