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3.2.0-alpha.1, update 2022-12-27 12:27:02 UTC

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@github-actions github-actions released this 27 Dec 12:27
· 318 commits to master since this release

JMdict and JMnedict were updated.

NOTE: This is a scheduled automated release. It may not have been reviewed by a human.


Dictionary metadata

Attribute Value
File size 108MB (112734191 bytes)
Date 2022-12-27
Revisions 1.09, 1.08, 1.07, 1.06, 1.05, 1.04
# of XML entities 254

Entries by language

Language # of entries
all 198695
eng 198695
ger 123520
rus 67379
hun 41803
dut 40964
spa 34111
fre 15307
swe 14562
slv 8757


Dictionary metadata

Attribute Value
File size 145MB (152376697 bytes)
Date 2022-12-27
Revisions 1.08
# of XML entities 26

Entries by language

Language # of entries
all 741979
eng 741979