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yilmazbrs authored Mar 15, 2017
2 parents 8436cdc + 06afe2f commit 62c0046
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Showing 7 changed files with 106 additions and 83 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: geoSpectral
Type: Package
Title: Classes and methods for spectral (optical) data
Title: Classes and methods for working with spectral (electromagnetic) data in R.
Version: 0.11
Date: 2012-07-02
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43 changes: 18 additions & 25 deletions R/Spectra-Class.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,26 @@
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: acizmeli
# Class : Spectra
#' Create a spectra class definition
#' @description
#' Create a spectra class definition, specifying the representation (the slots) and/or the classes contained in this one (the superclasses),
#' plus other optional details. As a side effect, the class definition is stored in the specified environment
#' @usage
#' setClass(class, contains,pepresentation,prototype)
#' @param contains STIDF
#' @param class character string name for the class.
#' @param pepresentation avoided
#' @param prototype n object providing the default data for the slots in this class
#' Spectra class is the main class provided by the package geoSpectRal. It allows storage
#' of spectral or non-spectra data with space and time attributes.
#' @slot ShortName character, A short name for the parameter described in the spectra object.
#' @slot LongName character, A long name for the parameter described in the spectra object.
#' @slot Spectra matrix, n by m matrix, describing n rows of spectral data
#' (or time) in m channels (columns).
#' @slot data data.frame n by t data frame, describind n rows of ancillary data
#' of t variables. This slot is inherited from STIDF class.
#' @slot Wavelengths numeric vector, length of m. Wavelength data.
#' @slot WavelengthsUnit character, Units of the @Wavelength slot
#' @slot header SpcHeader, Header object. See SpcHeader-class.
#' @slot Units character, Units of spectral data.
#' @slot UnitsAnc character, Units of each column of the @data slot holding ancillary data.
#' @slot ShortNameAnc character, A short name for each column of the @data slot holding ancillary data.
#' @slot LongNameAnc character, A long name for each column of the @data slot holding ancillary data.
#' @slot InvalidIdx logical, length of m. Row index for measurements marked by the user as invalid.
#' @slot SelectedIdx logical, length of m. Row index for measurements marked by the user as selected.
#' @slot ClassVersion numeric, Version of the class.
setClass("Spectra", contains="STIDF",
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84 changes: 45 additions & 39 deletions R/Spectra-Methods.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1993,54 +1993,60 @@ spc.header.infos = function(header){
#' \code{spc.export.xlsx()} calls functions from package \code{xlsx} to write the contents of
#' a \code{Spectra} object into an Excel file.
#' a \code{Spectra} object into an Excel file. Make sure \code{xlsx} is installed.
#' @return None. Simply creates an Excel file on disk.
#' @examples
#' sp=spc.example_spectra()
#' if("xlsx" %in% installed.packages())
#' spc.export.xlsx(sp,"test.xlsx")
#' \dontrun{
#' sp=spc.example_spectra()
#' if("xlsx" %in% installed.packages())
#' spc.export.xlsx(sp,"test.xlsx")
#' }
def=function(input,filename,sheetName,writeheader=TRUE,append=F,sep=";",...) {standardGeneric("spc.export.xlsx")})
setMethod("spc.export.xlsx", signature="Spectra", definition=function(input,filename,sheetName,writeheader,append,sep,...){
sheetName = input@ShortName
data = as(input,"data.frame")
data$TIME = as.character(data$TIME,usetz=TRUE)
data$ENDTIME = as.character(data$ENDTIME,usetz=TRUE)
data = cbind(data.frame(idx=1:nrow(data)),data)

slotInfos = .spc.slot.infos(input,sep)
#Create an empty excel workbook and start writing into it
wb <- xlsx::createWorkbook()
#Create an empty excel workbook and start writing into it
wb <- xlsx::loadWorkbook(file=filename)
sheet <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, sheetName=sheetName)
for(I in 1:length(input@header)){
myH = cbind("Spectra|header",names(input@header)[I],t(input@header[[I]]))
xlsx::addDataFrame(myH, sheet,row.names=F,col.names=F,,startRow=I,startColumn=1)
if (!requireNamespace("xls", quietly = TRUE)) {
print("xlsx needed for this function to work. Please install it.")
} else {
sheetName = input@ShortName
data = as(input,"data.frame")
data$TIME = as.character(data$TIME,usetz=TRUE)
data$ENDTIME = as.character(data$ENDTIME,usetz=TRUE)
data = cbind(data.frame(idx=1:nrow(data)),data)

slotInfos = .spc.slot.infos(input,sep)
#Create an empty excel workbook and start writing into it
wb <- xlsx::createWorkbook()
#Create an empty excel workbook and start writing into it
wb <- xlsx::loadWorkbook(file=filename)
sheet <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, sheetName=sheetName)
for(I in 1:length(input@header)){
myH = cbind("Spectra|header",names(input@header)[I],t(input@header[[I]]))
xlsx::addDataFrame(myH, sheet,row.names=F,col.names=F,,startRow=I,startColumn=1)
written = length(input@header)
for(I in 1:length(slotInfos)){
mysl = cbind(names(slotInfos)[I],t(slotInfos[[I]]))
written = written+1
xlsx::addDataFrame(data, sheet,row.names=F,startRow=written+1,startColumn=1)
xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, filename)
print(paste("Wrote sheet", sheetName, "to", filename))
written = length(input@header)
for(I in 1:length(slotInfos)){
mysl = cbind(names(slotInfos)[I],t(slotInfos[[I]]))
written = written+1
xlsx::addDataFrame(data, sheet,row.names=F,startRow=written+1,startColumn=1)
xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, filename)
print(paste("Wrote sheet", sheetName, "to", filename))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/geoSpectral.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#' @title Manipulation of spectral (electromagnetic) data
#' @title Classes and methods for working with spectral (electromagnetic) data in R.
#' @description
#' \pkg{geoSpectral} is an R package providing a new data type for R that stores
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46 changes: 34 additions & 12 deletions man/Spectra-class.Rd

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion man/geoSpectral.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions man/spc.export.xlsx.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

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