The goal of flowers is to provide a lodgepole pine flowering phenology dataset in an accessible format. This package contains 15 years of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) phenology data for pollen shed and cone receptivity. The data were collected in seed orchards in British Columbia and represents multiple BC provenances.
You can install the development version of flowers from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Read in phenology data sets from the package.
## basic example code
state <- flowers::lodgepole_phenology_state
#> Index DoY Date Phenophase_Recorded State Sex Year Site Orchard
#> 1 343 148 1997-05-28 4 2 FEMALE 1997 PGTIS 220
#> 2 343 150 1997-05-30 4 2 FEMALE 1997 PGTIS 220
#> 3 343 153 1997-06-02 4 2 FEMALE 1997 PGTIS 220
#> 4 343 155 1997-06-04 - 3 FEMALE 1997 PGTIS 220
#> 5 343 157 1997-06-06 - 3 FEMALE 1997 PGTIS 220
#> 6 343 159 1997-06-08 - 3 FEMALE 1997 PGTIS 220
#> Genotype Tree X Y Source
#> 1 980 28 D 47 Rita Wagner
#> 2 980 28 D 47 Rita Wagner
#> 3 980 28 D 47 Rita Wagner
#> 4 980 28 D 47 Rita Wagner
#> 5 980 28 D 47 Rita Wagner
#> 6 980 28 D 47 Rita Wagner
event <- flowers::lodgepole_phenology_event
#> Index State Year DoY Event_Label Event_Obs Date Sex Site
#> 1 1 1 2006 125 before_flowering 1 2006-05-05 FEMALE Kalamalka
#> 2 1 2 2006 126 first_flowering 2 2006-05-06 FEMALE Kalamalka
#> 3 1 2 2006 127 last_flowering 3 2006-05-07 FEMALE Kalamalka
#> 4 1 3 2006 128 past_flowering 4 2006-05-08 FEMALE Kalamalka
#> 5 2 1 2006 124 before_flowering 1 2006-05-04 FEMALE Kalamalka
#> 6 2 2 2006 125 first_flowering 2 2006-05-05 FEMALE Kalamalka
#> Orchard Genotype Tree X Y Source
#> 1 230 1460 NA N 18 Chris Walsh
#> 2 230 1460 NA N 18 Chris Walsh
#> 3 230 1460 NA N 18 Chris Walsh
#> 4 230 1460 NA N 18 Chris Walsh
#> 5 230 1467 NA J 5 Chris Walsh
#> 6 230 1467 NA J 5 Chris Walsh
Lodgepole pine in BC generally flowers in May and June.
Data is from 259 clones in 17 orchards grown at 7 BC seed orchard sites and observed between 1997 and 2012.