Ward is a secure, cross-platform, zero-install, single-file password manager.
Ward stores your passwords in an encrypted file which you manage with a single master password. You can keep track of multiple complex passwords without having to remember any of them.
- Download the zero-install binary to a directory on your
; or go get -u github.com/schmich/ward/... && go install github.com/schmich/ward/...
Usage: ward [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
Secure password manager - /~https://github.com/schmich/ward
-v, --version Show the version and exit
init Create a new credential database.
add Add a new credential.
copy Copy a password to the clipboard.
edit Edit an existing credential.
del Delete a stored credential.
qr Print password formatted as a QR code.
import Import JSON-formatted credentials.
export Export JSON-formatted credentials.
list Print a table-formatted list of credentials.
master Update master password.
Run 'ward COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
Create a new credential database:
> ward init
Creating new credential database.
Master password:
Master password (confirm):
✓ Credential database created at C:\Users\schmich\.ward.
Link to an existing credential database. This requires administrator privileges on Windows. A symlink will be created to the specified file:
> ward init --link C:\Users\schmich\Dropbox\.ward
✓ Linked to existing database C:\Users\schmich\.ward -> C:\Users\schmich\Dropbox\.ward.
Add a new credential:
> ward add
Master password:
Login: fizz@buzz.com
Password (confirm):
Realm: linkedin.com
Note: LinkedIn account
✓ Credential added. Password copied to the clipboard.
Add a new credential with a generated password:
> ward add --gen --length 15 --min-upper 1 --min-lower 1 --min-digit 1 --min-symbol 1 --no-similar
Master password:
Login: quux@example.com
Realm: twitter.com
Note: Twitter account
✓ Credential added. Generated password copied to the clipboard.
Copy an existing password with partial string matching:
> ward copy linked
Master password:
✓ Password for fizz@buzz.com@linkedin.com copied to the clipboard.
Export credentials as JSON:
> ward export
Master password:
"login": "fizz@buzz.com",
"password": "bH`-uKY~A1YG5T$SqNYN8pw,j!Xa\\Gsy41f|",
"realm": "linkedin.com",
"note": "LinkedIn account"
Import JSON credentials:
> ward import credentials.json
Master password:
Importing 192 credentials.
✓ Imported credentials from credentials.json.
The Ward database is stored at ~/.ward
. This can be overridden with the WARDFILE
environment variable, e.g. in .bashrc
export WARDFILE=~/dotfiles/ward
Ward comes with a constraint-solving password generator that you can use when adding a new credential (ward add --gen
). You can control length, character requirements, and exclusions:
> ward add --help
Usage: ward add [--login] [--realm] [--note] [--no-copy] [--gen [--length] [--min-length] [--max-length] [--no-upper] [--no-lower] [--no-digit] [--no-symbol] [--no-similar] [--min-upper] [--max-upper] [--min-lower] [--max-lower] [--min-digit] [--max-digit] [--min-symbol] [--max-symbol] [--exclude]]
--login="" Login for credential, e.g. username or email.
--realm="" Realm for credential, e.g. website or WiFi AP name.
--note="" Note for credential.
--no-copy=false Do not copy password to the clipboard.
--gen=false Generate a password.
--length=0 Password length.
--min-length=30 Minimum length password.
--max-length=40 Maximum length password.
--no-upper=false Exclude uppercase characters from password.
--no-lower=false Exclude lowercase characters from password.
--no-digit=false Exclude digit characters from password.
--no-symbol=false Exclude symbol characters from password.
--no-similar=false Exclude similar characters from password: 5SB8|1IiLl0Oo.
--min-upper=0 Minimum number of uppercase characters in password.
--max-upper=-1 Maximum number of uppercase characters in password.
--min-lower=0 Minimum number of lowercase characters in password.
--max-lower=-1 Maximum number of lowercase characters in password.
--min-digit=0 Minimum number of digit characters in password.
--max-digit=-1 Maximum number of digit characters in password.
--min-symbol=0 Minimum number of symbol characters in password.
--max-symbol=-1 Maximum number of symbol characters in password.
--exclude="" Exclude specific characters from password.
Copyright © 2016 Chris Schmich
MIT License. See LICENSE for details.