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video editing with vim/spreadsheet/sed/python. methodology inspired by BBC digital paper edit. "Excel-dit"


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screenshot screenshot flow

Q: What if I don't use Vim?

Just grab and and you are good to go. Only FFmpeg is needed. (a static build is good enough)


* Title
Any line without EDL in the beginning is a comment.

## Including this SubSection

EDL	00:00:01,000	00:00:05,000	| image |	subtitles….
EDL	00:00:01,000	00:10:01,422	| clipname |	[B]this is B-Roll
EDL	00:00:01,000	00:10:01,422	| clipname |	subtitles…. 
EDL	00:00:01,000	00:10:01,422	| clipname |	subtitles and\Nnewline

NOTE: Detail of tab and space described as follow
EDL⇥00:00:01,000⇥00:10:01,422⇥|⎵clipname without extension⎵|⇥subtitles and\Nnewline

*** SubSubSection
Asterisk and sharp sign are equally treated.

Even sed is enough to do the transformation from srt to tsv. (However, sed doesn't stitch the gap of srt files. You still may want to use

cat | sed -n -r '1{/^$/n;};/^[0-9]+$/{n; s/ --> /\t/; s/$/\t| _CLIPNAME_ |\t/; N; s/\n//; h; d;}; /^$/! { H; $!d;}; x; s/\n/\\N/g; s/^/EDL\t/;p' > some.tsv
# you may remember this dig TXT
sed -i "" 's/_CLIPNAME_/some/' some.tsv


Cheatsheet / Reference Card


Key Function
⇥ (tab) [mpv] play this line (guessing start pos at cursor), stop at end
⇧⇥ [mpv] play this line from start (no guessing pos), stop at end
\ ⇥ [mpv] play this line (from cursor), don't stop
\ ⎵ [mpv] play line by line from this one till EOF


Key Function
J Join (timecode) with the next line; If on the first of two http lines with timestamp, will made an EDL line.
| [split] this line into two, guessing a new timecode
mm mark/unmark word break point, then [split] will use this and cursor together.
useful when cut time not predicted well.
⇧← ⇧→ Roll timecode with the previous line for 1 sec
g0 go to the start of subtitle
g8 go to record_out timecode in prev line
g9 go to record_in timecode
gO append a gap for 5 secs below current line
gN append a line for 10 minutes below current line, place cursor to input clipname
gB toggle a line between '[B]' or not.
gb the same as gB
gc calculate duration of this line based on record_in and record_out, append to the end of line.
ge calculate and update record_out to media file end . useful with Voice Over or gN
\ c toggle conceallevel=0, 1 ; :set nowrap may help you.
gr record Voice Over, filename generated based on sys time. preserve multi takes, old ones marked with 'xxx'


Key Function
\ p Enter cherry-pick mode. tabnew on the left, map ⏎
⏎ (enter) pick this line to Vim tab 1, then mark used ---
\ P Enter cherry-pick mode (split horizontally), map ⏎
pick this line to next window, then mark used ---
⌫ (BS) reject this line, mark xxx, then go to next line
⌦ (DEL, fn⌫) toggle between EDL and xxx; toggle --- to EDL
V (region) ⎵ render those highlighted lines with tsv2roughcut
V x export those highlighted lines with tsv2fcpxml


Key Function
\ \ init. mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket --pause clipname.mp4
and enter IPC Control mode. s ← → ↑ ↓ ⎵ ⏎ are redefined, and restored at quit
\ \ (again) send quit signal via ipc socket to mpv
[mpv ipc] toggle play
← → move, then [mpv ipc] seek to cursor
↑ ↓ move, then [mpv ipc] seek; reload when clip changed
\ ⎵ [mpv ipc] play from this line till EOF
⏎ or s [mpv ipc] seek to cursor
ns [mpv ipc] search next (n), and seek
S [mpv ipc] sync playhead: seek vim cursor to nearest of mpv timecode, wrap end
\ S backwards of sync playhead
gS playhead sync periodically, every 1s. call again to dismiss. ⎵ will pause and restore status
seek to cursor, [mpv ipc] always play. if in comment region, jump to next 'EDL'
⇧⇥ seek to line head, then ⇥
gi [mpv ipc] get current timecode, write record_in. overwrite existing.
go [mpv ipc] get current timecode, write record_out and clipname. overwrite existing
- get current timecode from mpv, write to the 'out' of this line. move down, write the same as 'in'
very useful when adding timecode to a plain text transcription.

Orgmode/Markdown Folding

Key Function
When not on a EDL/---/xxx line. do za on ## Header or * Org head
⇧⇥ cycle foldlevel=0,1,2
if on a EDL line, you have to use za zm zr zo zO zM zR
]] go to next heading
[[ go to previous heading
g] go to next comment line (not start with EDL)
g[ go to previous comment line (not start with EDL)


screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot


on macOS with homebrew

mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start; cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
git clone /~
git clone /~
git clone /~
cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/tsv_edl.vim
make install-utils 
brew install mpv ffmpeg jq socat dos2unix sox
#sudo apt install mpv ffmpeg jq socat sox
#brew install macvim

then, put the following lines to ~/.vimrc

"set fencs=utf-8,gbk
filetype plugin indent on "especially this line.
syntax on
set laststatus=2 
set number
set anti "macOS anti alias
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
colorscheme molokai-dark

on macOS without homebrew

Click here to see full instructions
#sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
#echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' >> .zshrc
#echo 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' >> .bashrc
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start; cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
git clone /~
git clone /~
git clone /~
cd tsv_edl.vim; make install-utils
echo 'filetype plugin indent on' >> ~/.vimrc
echo 'syntax on' >> ~/.vimrc
echo 'set laststatus=2' >> ~/.vimrc
echo 'let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1' >> ~/.vimrc
echo 'colorscheme molokai-dark' >> ~/.vimrc
make install-depends-on-mac-no-homebrew
srt2tsv -a
vim -p example.tsv example_never.tsv

# you may want macvim for GUI /~

macOS: Finder Integration with


1. Utils

1.1 srt2tsv

cd /path/to/srt/; srt2tsv -a
srt2tsv  #generates a.tsv

1.2 tsv2srt

tsv2srt tsv2srt_all

tips: you may s/,/, /g, to make Chinese lines wrap. Otherwise ,mpv treat those as a bloody long line.

1.3 tsv2roughcut: Assemble a rough cut with ffmpeg

cat selection.tsv | tsv2roughcut  #will generate roughtcut.mp3/mp4, srt. auto increase filename
cat selection.tsv | tsv2roughcut --user-input-newname 
# will ask in the end. do not input ext name. dirname/clipname is supported
# e.g.  clips/a good one

cat selection.tsv | head -n 30 | tsv2roughcut test/"good one"
cat selection.tsv | tail -n 30 | tsv2roughcut test/good\ two
cat selection.tsv | grep good | tsv2roughcut "test/good three"
cat *.tsv | grep -C3 -i beep | tsv2roughcut #context 3 lines, ignore case

For podcast editing, the --audio-crossfade switch will add batch audio cross fades between audio clips. (Not available for video project now.)

tsv2roughcut  --audio-crossfade

To enable this function by default (V Highlight then Space bar), edit this line.

1.4 tsv2fcpxml

NOTE: tsv2edl is not well-maintained.

cat selection.tsv | tsv2edl > sel.edl #then import in DaVinci Resolve
cat selection.tsv | tsv2fcpxml > sel.fcpxml  #24FPS, 48000Hz, change it accordingly

1.5 auto2srtvideo: Convert MP3/Audio to a dummy video from .srt

Due to the limitation of Davinci Resolve that EDL file cannot be reconstructed into a timeline refering to pure audio file, a helper bash script is prepared in utils/

audio2srtvideo "Some podcast E01.mp3"

will yield a Some podcast E01.mkv

NOTE: You may want to move those mkv files into a subdirectory named, for example, mkvs, so that Tab key ffplay will not be confused.

2. Modes / Use cases

2.1 Cherrypick

vim -p selection1.tsv movie1.tsv podcast1.tsv podcast2.tsv movie2.tsv  #target has to be the first tab

NOTE: :mksession to save a Session.vim to the current folder may be very useful before reloading this session with vim -S.

2.2 preview / IPC control

TIPS tsv file can be place separatedly from media file. 1) You can do ln -s soft link. 2) You may change working directory inside vim by :cd /Volumes/usbshare2-2/nas/TVSeries/Yes.Prime.Minister

Press \\ twice to init mpv ipc control and bring up mpv. Will try best to reuse existing mpv ipc control channel /tmp/mpvsocket

2.3 mark in/out style

EDL     00:24:00,000    00:30:00,000    | clipname |   ......;

Tips: 神笔马良(Magic Pen). for 60 minutes, 6 + 1 chars are needed.

EDL	00:00:00,000	01:00:00,000	| clipname |	......;

For example, use ←/→ on the dots, to seek by 10 minutes. You can draw a progress bar on the fly. Isn't that cool?

Then gi, go.

2.4 \c Vim Conceal: Hide the first 4 columns

... to stay more focused when listening to tape.

:set conceallevel=1  (or 2. For short, :set cole=1)

screenshot: conceal

It's mapped to \ c for your convenience.

See Also


  • Never, never. Bilibili Youtube
  • cat V Dont.Look.Up Inglourious No.Country.for.Old.Men The.Bourne.Supremacy 谍影重重3 Notting.Hill | grep -e god -e love -e beep -e shit | sort B

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  • 糙音速剪辑


video editing with vim/spreadsheet/sed/python. methodology inspired by BBC digital paper edit. "Excel-dit"







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