Given an input of a series of Korean graphemes/letters (i.e. Hangul), KoG2P outputs the corresponding pronunciations.
한국어의 문자열로부터 발음열을 생성하는 파이썬 기반 G2P 패키지입니다.
터미널에서 원하는 문자열을 함께 입력해 사용할 수 있습니다.
On terminal, you simply can type in your input within quotations:
$ python '박물관'
Then you'll get /방물관/ symbolized as follows:
p0 aa ng mm uu ll k0 wa nf
NB. Your input does not necessarily need to be a lemma or a legitimate sequence of Korean; the system will provide an output based on the phonological rules of Korean for any sequences in Hangul.
- Python 2.7 or 3.x
Please check out the symbol table below for the mapping.
C/V | Position | Symbols in Hangul | Symbols in KoG2P |
consonant | onset | ㅂ | p0 |
consonant | onset | ㅍ | ph |
consonant | onset | ㅃ | pp |
consonant | onset | ㄷ | t0 |
consonant | onset | ㅌ | th |
consonant | onset | ㄸ | tt |
consonant | onset | ㄱ | k0 |
consonant | onset | ㅋ | kh |
consonant | onset | ㄲ | kk |
consonant | onset | ㅅ | s0 |
consonant | onset | ㅆ | ss |
consonant | onset | ㅎ | h0 |
consonant | onset | ㅈ | c0 |
consonant | onset | ㅊ | ch |
consonant | onset | ㅉ | cc |
consonant | onset | ㅁ | mm |
consonant | onset | ㄴ | nn |
consonant | onset | ㄹ | rr |
consonant | coda | ㅂ | pf |
consonant | coda | ㅍ | ph |
consonant | coda | ㄷ | tf |
consonant | coda | ㅌ | th |
consonant | coda | ㄱ | kf |
consonant | coda | ㅋ | kh |
consonant | coda | ㄲ | kk |
consonant | coda | ㅅ | s0 |
consonant | coda | ㅆ | ss |
consonant | coda | ㅎ | h0 |
consonant | coda | ㅈ | c0 |
consonant | coda | ㅊ | ch |
consonant | coda | ㅁ | mf |
consonant | coda | ㄴ | nf |
consonant | coda | ㅇ | ng |
consonant | coda | ㄹ | ll |
consonant | coda | ㄱㅅ | ks |
consonant | coda | ㄴㅈ | nc |
consonant | coda | ㄴㅎ | nh |
consonant | coda | ㄹㄱ | lk |
consonant | coda | ㄹㅁ | lm |
consonant | coda | ㄹㅂ | lb |
consonant | coda | ㄹㅅ | ls |
consonant | coda | ㄹㅌ | lt |
consonant | coda | ㄹㅍ | lp |
consonant | coda | ㄹㅎ | lh |
consonant | coda | ㅂㅅ | ps |
vowel | monophthong | ㅣ | ii |
vowel | monophthong | ㅔ | ee |
vowel | monophthong | ㅐ | |
vowel | monophthong | ㅏ | aa |
vowel | monophthong | ㅡ | xx |
vowel | monophthong | ㅓ | vv |
vowel | monophthong | ㅜ | uu |
vowel | monophthong | ㅗ | oo |
vowel | diphthong | ㅖ | ye |
vowel | diphthong | ㅒ | yq |
vowel | diphthong | ㅑ | ya |
vowel | diphthong | ㅕ | yv |
vowel | diphthong | ㅠ | yu |
vowel | diphthong | ㅛ | yo |
vowel | diphthong | ㅟ | wi |
vowel | diphthong | ㅚ | wo |
vowel | diphthong | ㅙ | wq |
vowel | diphthong | ㅞ | we |
vowel | diphthong | ㅘ | wa |
vowel | diphthong | ㅝ | wv |
vowel | diphthong | ㅢ | xi |
NB. IPA symbols for Korean phones can be found in the following page: IPA for Korean.
Please cite the following if using this code:
title = {Korean Grapheme-to-Phoneme Analyzer (KoG2P)},
author = {Yejin Cho},
year = {2017},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{/~}}
Yoon Seok Hong, Kyung Seo Ki, and Gahgene Gweon. 2018. Automatic Miscue Detection Using RNN Based Models with Data Augmentation. In Proc. Interspeech 2018. 1646-1650. [pdf]
Younggun Lee and Taesu Kim. 2018. Learning pronunciation from a foreign language in speech synthesis network. arXiv preprint. arXiv:1811.09364. [pdf]