This package is used to handle REST method calls.
An API request can be defined by implementing the ApiRequest
public protocol ApiRequest: Encodable {
/// The API server path. The full path is constructed by concatenating the
/// existing baseUrl from network client environment.
var endpoint: String { get }
/// The HTTP method to use.
var method: HttpMethod { get }
/// A dictionary containing all request headers
var headers: [String: String] { get }
/// Determines whether default bearer authorisation should be used.
var requiresAuthorization: Bool { get }
/// This method is called before processing any request.
/// If it returns a non-nil result, the processing stops and the call returns
/// the value obtained by this method
/// - Parameters:
/// - environment: Determines whether to use live or mock environment.
/// - networkClient: The network client.
/// - Returns: The server response
/// - Throws: An ApiError containing all backend error information coming from the server.
func response(
for environment: ApiEnvironment,
networkClient: NetworkClientProtocol
) async throws -> NetworkResult<ResponseType>?
An example implementation looks like this:
struct MyRequest: ApiRequest {
var endpoint: String { "api/users" }
var method: HttpMethod { .post }
var headers: [String : String] { [:] }
// Payload parameters
var name: String
var job: String
// Default response
func response(
for environment: ApiEnvironment,
networkClient: NetworkClientProtocol
) async throws -> NetworkResult<User>? {
switch environment {
case .mock:
return MyResponse.mock
return nil
This endpoint can be executed by using a NetworkClientProtocol
instance calling the request method of the API:
let client = NetworkClient(baseUrl: "")
Task {
do {
let rq = MyRequest(name: "Petar", job: "Ivanov")
let response = try await rq.request(networkClient: client, environment: .live)
} catch {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
provides a default implementation of theNetworkClientProtocol
is mock implementation that can be used for testing.
A failing API request can be simulated by just changing the environment
let response = try await rq.request(networkClient: client, environment: .failing)