This 2d platformer is based on Community's Digital Estate Planning episode. It's built using the LÖVE game engine. Please report any issues or bugs you have with the game!
All discussion and development takes place on /r/hawkthorne. If you have any contributions you'd like to submit, either open a pull request or create a post on the subreddit. The steps below are only needed if you want to write code for the game.
Getting start is easy. Just clone the repository and run make run
$ git clone git://
$ cd hawkthorne-journey
$ make run
First, download and install Github for Windows which will setup git on your computer. You'll also need PowerShell, which comes pre-installed on Windows 7 & 8.
Once you've installed and logged in with Github for Windows, go to
and click the Fork
After you've successfully forked the repository go to
/~<your username>/hawkthorne-journey
and click the "Clone in
Windows" button.
Once you have the repo, click on it in Github for Windows, select "tools > open a shell here".
In your new PowerShell window, run
> .\make.ps1 run
Congratulations! You're running Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne! Your next steps can be:
- Fix bugs with the game
- Add new features and content to the game
We release a new version of Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne about every two
weeks. To create a release, open a pull request from the master
branch to the
branch. You should never commit directly to the release
Unless otherwise noted, this code is licensed under the MIT License.
Artwork and audio files are licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0. Artwork includes all .png, .psd, .ogg, and .wav files.