The component augments functionalities to the network system icon. It helps notify of the status of the network connexion and of the network interface card (NIC). It is not limited to the binary value, either connected
or no internet
The notification is a visual icon that changes form according to the following states:
: The administrative status of the NIC is disabledDisconnected
: The media connecting the NIC to the router is disconnectedNoInternet
: The internet access is interruptedConnected
: The workstation has access to the internet.
An example of use:
With CreateObject("CustomUI.Shuffler")
.NetAdapterID = "Ethernet" '(1)
.ShortcutPath = "..\Start Menu\Programs\Ethernet.lnk" '(2)
.IconsDir = "\Path\to\ConnectionStatusIcons" '(3)
While True
Wscript.Sleep 1000
CurrentState = .NetStatus '(4)
.ChangeShortcutIcon '(5)
While CurrentState = .NetStatus : Wend
End With
(1) NetAdapterID
is the name of the network connection ID of the adapter
(2) ShortcutPath
is the path to the link to the notifier that is shortcut link
(3) IconsDir
is the path to the directory containing the icons, each named by the state it represents.
(4) NetStatus
returns the state of the connexion
(5) ChangeShortcutIcon
change the shortcut icon
The filesystem: