Thogakade Mobile is a React Native-based mobile POS application designed for seamless order management in retail stores. It enables users to manage customers items and orders efficiently with Redux for state management ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Customer Management : Add update and delete customer details.
- Item Management : Manage inventory by adding updating and deleting items.
- Order Management : Place orders view recent orders and calculate total prices.
- Dashboard : A centralized view with key metrics recent orders and inventory status.
- Inventory Status Widget : Highlights items with low stock for better inventory management.
- Quick Actions : Easily navigate to key sections (e.g. Add Customer Add Item).
1. Clone the Repository
2. Install Dependencies
npm install
3. Start the Metro Bundler
npx react-native start
Technologies used in the project:
- React Native : Cross-platform mobile app development framework.
- Redux Toolkit : State management for handling global data like customers items and orders.
- TypeScript : Adds type safety and improves developer experience.
- React Navigation : Handles navigation between screens.
- React Native Paper / Vector Icons : Provides pre-built UI components and icons.