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Releases: sandialabs/seacas

Change-set support, snapshot

27 Feb 15:44
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This release contains modifications to most of the SEACAS applications to support ChangeSets to some degree.
See /~ for information about Change Sets and
See /~ for information about how the various seacas applications are supporting the use or creation of change sets.

The release also includes various other small changes including formatting, portability, intallation, TPL version updates, and spelling.

Periodic Snapshot

15 Aug 13:59
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Initial dynamic topology support.
Field metadata support, DG
Exodus persistent redef mode to speed up field metadata
EPU, EJoin better timestep selection
Nem_slice 1D support


10 Jul 19:58
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A couple bug fixes from last tag:

  • Fix missing include so will build with fmt-11.0.1 release
  • Fix missing include
  • Fix database timestep consistency check if one or more of the databases have no timesteps. Parallel IO case only.

Periodic Snapshot

27 Jun 17:53
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Contains the extended field metadata additions

Contains Catalyst2 latest developments

Contains line decomp option in ioss auto-decomp

Periodic Snapshot

03 Apr 15:50
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Latest release tested in Sierra and Trilinos

Periodic Snapshot

11 Mar 15:44
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Mostly bug-fixes; some new functionality

Cleaned up C++ constructor usage by not providing unneeded constructors/destructors.
Do not rely on a std::vector::data() method to provide null pointer on emtpy vectors -- use Data(std::vector) wrapper to guarantee.
Better windows build -- should support shared exodus library for use with python libraries.

Fix issue with v2023-10-24

27 Nov 17:03
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The v2023-10-24 tag included some branch code. Redoing tag to get correct code.

Includes all changes in v2023-10-24:
Aprepro loop, no-echo {{expression}} shortcut, and physical constants are a big change.
Lots of robustness fixes.
New databases useful for testing -- Null, ExoNull, and TextMesh
New zoltan-based decomposition methods in Slice.
Lots of other bug fixes and enhancements and code cleanups.

Periodic Snapshot

30 May 21:54
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Periodic snapshot

Periodic Snapshot

14 Oct 18:54
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Use c++17 fallthrough; remove unused fallthrough

Periodic Snapshot

01 Aug 15:32
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IOSS: Add missing DebugOut(), increase logging time precision