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OpenVPN docker compose

clone this project and go to directory

git clone /~
cd openvpn-dockercompose

run setup for Initialize the configuration files and set port and porotcol


and certificates

docker compose run --rm openvpn ovpn_initpki
  • Start OpenVPN server process
docker compose up -d openvpn
  • You can access the container logs with
docker compose logs -f
  • Generate a client certificate for testUserName
# with a passphrase (recommended)
docker compose run --rm openvpn easyrsa build-client-full testUserName
# without a passphrase (not recommended)
docker compose run --rm openvpn easyrsa build-client-full testUserName nopass
  • Retrieve the client configuration with embedded certificates
docker compose run --rm openvpn ovpn_getclient testUserName > testUserName.ovpn
  • Revoke a client certificate
# Keep the corresponding crt, key and req files.
docker compose run --rm openvpn ovpn_revokeclient testUserName
# Remove the corresponding crt, key and req files.
docker compose run --rm openvpn ovpn_revokeclient testUserName remove

Debugging Tips

  • Create an environment variable with the name DEBUG and value of 1 to enable debug output (using "docker -e").
docker compose run -e DEBUG=1 openvpn