a collection of reference codes of some famous algorithms and data structures used in ACM ICPC and other programming competitions.
This repo has few codes written by me. Most codes are collected from many great sources with minor modifications.. so thanks everyone I copied from :D
##Some other useful online resources:
- /~https://github.com/marioyc/ACM-ICPC-Library
- https://sites.google.com/site/indy256/algo_cpp
- Stanford U. Reference: /~https://github.com/jaehyunp/stanfordacm
- Topcoder Algorithm tutorials: https://www.topcoder.com/community/data-science/data-science-tutorials/
some useful categorized problems to test your algorithms:
- http://www.lightoj.com/volume_problemcategory.php
- http://www.spoj.com/problems/tags
- https://a2oj.com/categories
- http://codeforces.com/problemset?order=BY_SOLVED_DESC (click on a tag to see relevant problems)