This is a program built to help students practice on the GATE Virtual Calculator without the hassle of opening up a browser.
It is simple to use and tailor made for the IIT provided Virtual Calculator.
How to Use:
Windows Users:
Pre-built application for 64 bit system is provided under releases tab.
If you are using 32 bit system, , you will need to build the application. Please see 'How to Build' section below.
Download, ''.
Extract all the contents of the zip file.
Go into the folder 'Browser-CMake-Build'
Right click on 'GATE_calc.exe'. Click 'Create Shortcut'. Copy the shortcut to your preferred location.
Linux Users:
Pre-built application for 64 bit system is provided under releases tab.
If you are using 32 bit system, you will need to build the application. Please see 'How to Build' section below.
Downlaod, ''.
Extract all the contents of the zip file.
Click '' to use.
You will need libqt5webkit5, libqt5gui5, libqt5core5a, libstdc++6, libc6, libgcc1, libc6 to be installed in your system.
Packages were build against Qt 5.7 and may be a prerequisite. Please try out he pre-build application before to decide to build them yourself.
How to Build:
For those who wish to build it themselves.
Clone the Repo by using git
git clone /~
or download the zip file
Windows Users:
Download MSYS2 and install mingw, qtcreator, cmake and make. Architecture may be 64 or 32 as you may like.
For more info on how to do this see,
Open CMakeLists.txt in 'GATE_calculator' folder, and make sure there are lines as the following:
#Comment out if building on UNIX
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O2 -mwindows") ## Optimize
#Uncomment if building on UNIX
# set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O2")
add '#' in the start of the line to comment or uncomment.
create folder 'GATE_calculator_build' in the same folder you have 'GATE_calculator' folder.
type the following commands
export CC=/c/msys64/usr/bin/gcc
export CXX=/c/msys64/usr/bin/g++
cmake ../GATE_calculator
msys64 will be replaced by msys32 if you are using 32 bit binaries.
copy .dll files to folder 'GATE_calculator_build' as mentioned in file
The executable(.exe) must now be ready to use.
Linux Users:
Download install gcc, qtcreator, cmake and make. Architecture may be 64 or 32 as you may like.
Open CMakeLists.txt in 'GATE_calculator' folder, and make sure there are lines as the following:
#Comment out if building on UNIX
# set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O2 -mwindows") ## Optimize
#Uncomment if building on UNIX
add '#' in the start of the line to comment or uncomment.
create folder 'GATE_calculator_build' in the same folder you have where 'GATE_calculator' folder.
type the following commands
cmake ../GATE_calculator
the executable should be ready to use.