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This software is unofficial and is not related in any way to Lidl or Grocy. It is using lidl-plus requests and can stop working at anytime!


An command line executable to add easily your Lidl receipts into Grocy. Inspired by LidGroSyncer.

Key Features

  • Run Lidl-Plus python script to get lidl receipts (json)
  • Check each items in Grocy
    • If it doens't exists, will call OpenFoodFacts to get some infos (name and image), will create the product in Grocy (adding barcode for it) and will adding the given quantity
    • If it exists, will adding the given quantity
  • Consumes immediately products after adding it in Grocy (useful for massively inserting old receipts and keep prices)
  • Do not add quantities in stock (useful for massively inserting old receipts and DON'T keep prices)


  • Install lidl-plus using Pip
  • Get lidl token
  • Fill settings.json
  • Run LidlToGrocy executable with grocy and lidl-plus params
Usage: lidltogrocy [options] [params]

  /v, /verbose        generate verbose output
  /?, /help           display this message
  /n, /no-add-stock   don't add product in stock
  /c, /no-openfoodfacts
                      don't get product infos from openfoodfacts
  /s, /save-lidl-json save lidl json in a file (lidl.json)
  /o, /consume-now    consume grocy product after adding
  /r, /no-picture     don't get openfoodfacts image in grocy

  /i, /grocy-ip <value>
                      grocy ip address
  /p, /grocy-port <value> (default 9283)
                      grocy port
  /a, /grocy-apikey <value>
                      grocy api key
  /c, /lidl-country <value> (default EN)
                      lidl country
  /l, /lidl-lang <value> (default en)
                      lidl language
  /t, /lidl-token <commandline-tool)>
                      lidl token (see /~
  /f, /lidl-filepath <value>
                      lidl json file (optional)