This package simplifies common used packages and systems used in mobile games
To install simply add /~
to the package manager in Unity
Note: This package writes a json file to enable or disable ads in the Application.persistentDataPath folder on the user device. User's with technical know how might be able to disable ads by editing this json file. This doesn't bother me as power to them for the effort but may bother you if you use this package.
Add the UnityAdsManager.cs script to a gameobject in the first loaded scene in the project and fill in the relevent ID's in the inspector.
To show an interstitial advert include using SalusGames.MobileFramework.Advertisements.Unity;
at the top of your script and use UnityAdsManager.ShowInterstitialAd(float waitTime);
to show the advert and wait for the duration of waitTime
before showing another interstitial advert
You can disable & enable the showing of ads by changing the UnityAdsManager.AdsDisabled
property. This is set to false
by default
This package includes a post build script to add the needed values in the info.plist file in Xcode.
Include using SalusGames.MobileFramework.Review;
at the top of your script and use StoreReview.Request();
to prompt for a review.