This project classifies flower species using a Vision Transformer (ViT) model from PyTorch's torchvision. models
. The dataset of flower images is processed, trained, and used for prediction through the following workflow:
Dataset: The flower dataset is downloaded from a public source using wget:
!wget ''
Training the Model: A Vision Transformer (vit_b_16) is used to classify the flower images
!python ./flowers --save_dir ./save_directory/checkpoint.pth --arch "vit_b_16" --learning_rate 0.001 --hidden_units 512 --epochs 30 --gpu
Prediction: The script uses the trained model to predict the top 5 probable classes of a test image, with category names mapped from a JSON file
!python ./flowers/test/10/image_07090.jpg ./save_directory/checkpoint.pth --top_k 5 --category_names ./cat_to_name.json --gpu
The project provides scripts for both training and prediction, utilizing GPU acceleration for efficient computation.
⚠️ Warning: The dataset and model checkpoint are not included in this repository.
- Dataset: You can download the flower dataset using this link.
- Model Checkpoint: Please provide or download the trained model checkpoint separately.