Airbnb Analysis Dashboard is a web application that provides an interactive dashboard containing visualizations and summaries to gain insights about Airbnb using the Airbnb dataset for the USA.
Application is live at:
Web Application:
API Application: Visit
endpoint to view API documentation.
Note: API applicaiton is not hosted at the moment. Please refer to setup guide to run it locally.
Please visit proposal document for more details on proposal.
|--api # API application to fetch raw data, analaysis and summaries.
|--app # Shiny web appliation containing interactive dashboard.
|--data # Contains raw and processed data
|--docs # Contains documentation and rmarkdown notebooks.
|--etl # ETL cli application to scrape and process the data for analysis.
|--modules # Shared modules used by scripts and applications.
|--scripts # Contains rscripts.
- Install required packages
Rscript scripts/setup.R
- Run etl cli tool to scrape the raw data and process them.
Rscript etl/main.R
- Run web application
Rscipt scripts/start_app.R --app-dir app --host --port 3000
- Run api application
Rscript scripts/start_api.R --app-dir app
- Launch your favorite browser and visit
to view web application.
- Launch your favorite browser and visit
to view api application.
If you wish to use Docker, please check out Setup with Docker