Preprocessor is a preprocessing library for tweet data written in Python. When building Machine Learning systems based on tweet and text data, a preprocessing is required. This is required because of quality of the data as well as dimensionality reduction purposes.
This library makes it easy to clean, parse or tokenize the tweets so you don't have to write the same helper functions over and over again ever time.
Currently supports cleaning, tokenizing and parsing:
- URLs
- Hashtags
- Mentions
- Reserved words (RT, FAV)
- Emojis
- Smileys
- Numbers
file support
Preprocessor v0.6.0
Python 3.4+ on Linux, macOS and Windows
. Tests run on
following setups:
Linux Xenial with Python 3.4.8, 3.5.6, 3.6.7, 3.7.1, 3.8.0, 3.8.3+ macOS with Python 3.7.5, 3.8.0 Windows with Python 3.5.4, 3.6.8
>>> import preprocessor as p
>>> p.clean('Preprocessor is #awesome 👍 /~')
'Preprocessor is'
>>> p.tokenize('Preprocessor is #awesome 👍 /~')
'Preprocessor is $HASHTAG$ $EMOJI$ $URL$'
>>> parsed_tweet = p.parse('Preprocessor is #awesome /~')
<preprocessor.parse.ParseResult instance at 0x10f430758>
>>> parsed_tweet.urls
[(25:58) =>]
>>> parsed_tweet.urls[0].start_index
>>> parsed_tweet.urls[0].match
>>> parsed_tweet.urls[0].end_index
>>> p.set_options(p.OPT.URL, p.OPT.EMOJI)
>>> p.clean('Preprocessor is #awesome 👍 /~')
'Preprocessor is #awesome'
Preprocessor will go through all of the options by default unless you specify some options.
Preprocessor currently supports processing .json
and .txt
formats. Please see below examples for the correct input format.
"Preprocessor now supports files. /~",
"#preprocessing is a cruical part of @ML projects.",
"@RT @Twitter raw text data usually has lots of #residue."
Preprocessor now supports files. /~ #preprocessing is a cruical part of @ML projects. @RT @Twitter raw text data usually has lots of #residue.
# JSON example
>>> input_file_name = "sample_json.json"
>>> p.clean_file(input_file_name, options=[p.OPT.URL, p.OPT.MENTION])
Saved the cleaned tweets to:/tests/artifacts/24052020_013451892752_vkeCMTwBEMmX_clean_file_sample.json
# Text file example
>>> input_file_name = "sample_txt.txt"
>>> p.clean_file(input_file_name, options=[p.OPT.URL, p.OPT.MENTION])
Saved the cleaned tweets to:/tests/artifacts/24052020_013451908865_TE9DWX1BjFws_clean_file_sample.txt
Option Name | Option Short Code |
Mention | p.OPT.MENTION |
Hashtag | p.OPT.HASHTAG |
Reserved Words | p.OPT.RESERVED |
Emoji | p.OPT.EMOJI |
Smiley | p.OPT.SMILEY |
Number | p.OPT.NUMBER |
Using pip:
$ pip install tweet-preprocessor
Using Anaconda:
$ conda install -c saidozcan tweet-preprocessor
Using manual installation:
$ python build
$ python install
Are you willing to contribute to preprocessor? That's great! Please follow below steps to contribute to this project:
- Create a bug report or a feature idea using the templates on Issues page.
- Fork the repository and make your changes.
- Open a PR and make sure your PR has tests and all the checks pass.
- And that's all!