Quick way to write style in react native.
Idea from Atomic CSS Design system.
$ yarn add @sacss/react-native
import React from 'react';
import {Text, View, ImageBackground, Image} from '@sacss/react-native';
import mImg1 from "./assets/1.jpg";
import mImg2 from "./assets/2.jpg";
export default function App() {
return (
<View bc="#f5f5f5" pt={100} ph={30} h="100%">
<View mb={16} aic>
<Image br={32} w={64} h={64} source={mImg1}/>
<Text c="#ffffff" p={16} bc="#4c5fe2" tac mb={16}>Hello world!</Text>
<ImageBackground source={mImg2} mb={40}>
<View bc="rgba(255,255,255,.8)">
<Text fs={40} lh={100} tac fwb c="#4c5fe2">Hello Again!</Text>
import React from 'react';
import {Text, View} from 'react-native';
import withAcss from '@sacss/react-native';
const CusText = widthAcss(Text);
const CusView = widthAcss(View);
export default function App() {
return (
<CusView bc="#4c5fe2" p={16}>
<CusText tac c="#ffffff">Custom text</CusText>
It looks wired in first sight what we use abbreviation instead of the full name. Cause we want user just remember the rules below rather than all the props.
- Only Initials:
meansalignItems: center
; - Direct digital connection:
; p
<View mb={16} bc="#4c5fe2" aic>
<Text c="#ffffff" pt={16} pb={16} tac>Hello world!</Text>
equal to
<View style={{
<Text style={{
paddingTop: 16,
paddingBottom: 16,
}}>Hello world!</Text>
const styleMap = {
ac: 'alignContent',
acs: ['alignContent', 'stretch'],
acc: ['alignContent', 'center'],
acfs: ['alignContent', 'flex-start'],
acfe: ['alignContent', 'flex-end'],
acsb: ['alignContent', 'space-between'],
acsa: ['alignContent', 'space-around'],
ai: 'align-items',
ais: ['alignItems', 'stretch'],
aib: ['alignItems', 'baseline'],
aic: ['alignItems', 'center'],
aifs: ['alignItems', 'flex-start'],
aife: ['alignItems', 'flex-end'],
as: 'alignSelf',
asa: ['alignSelf', 'auto'],
ass: ['alignSelf', 'stretch'],
asb: ['alignSelf', 'baseline'],
asc: ['alignSelf', 'center'],
asfs: ['alignSelf', 'flex-start'],
asfe: ['alignSelf', 'flex-end'],
bc: 'backgroundColor',
br: 'borderRadius',
bw: 'borderWidth',
bs: 'borderStyle',
btw: 'borderTopWidth',
btc: 'borderTopColor',
brw: 'borderRightWidth',
brc: 'borderRightColor',
bbw: 'borderBottomWidth',
bbc: 'borderBottomColor',
blw: 'borderLeftWidth',
blc: 'borderLeftColor',
btrr: 'borderTopRightRadius',
btlr: 'borderTopLeftRadius',
bbrr: 'borderBottomRightRadius',
bblr: 'borderBottomLeftRadius',
b: 'bottom',
b0: 'bottom',
c: 'color',
dn: ['display', 'none'],
f: 'flex',
f1: ['flex', 1],
fdr: ['flexDirection', 'row'],
fdrr: ['flexDirection', 'row-reverse'],
fdc: ['flexDirection', 'column'],
fdcr: ['flexDirection', 'column-reverse'],
fwn: ['flexWrap', 'nowrap'],
fwb: ['fontWeight', 'bold'],
fw100: ['fontWeight', 100],
fw200: ['fontWeight', 200],
fw300: ['fontWeight', 300],
fw400: ['fontWeight', 400],
fw500: ['fontWeight', 500],
fw600: ['fontWeight', 600],
fw700: ['fontWeight', 700],
fw800: ['fontWeight', 800],
fw900: ['fontWeight', 900],
fs: 'fontSize',
ff: 'fontFamily',
fsn: ['fontStyle', 'normal'],
fsi: ['fontStyle', 'italic'],
h: 'height',
h100p: ['height', '100%'],
jcc: ['justifyContent', 'center'],
jcsb: ['justifyContent', 'space-between'],
jcfs: ['justifyContent', 'flex-start'],
jcfe: ['justifyContent', 'flex-end'],
jcsa: ['justifyContent', 'space-around'],
jcse: ['justifyContent', 'space-evenly'],
l: 'left',
l0: ['left', 0],
lh: 'lineHeight',
m(value) {
return {
marginTop: value,
marginBottom: value,
marginRight: value,
marginLeft: value,
mt: 'marginTop',
mr: 'marginRight',
mb: 'marginBottom',
ml: 'marginLeft',
mh: 'marginHorizontal',
mv: 'marginVertical',
o: 'opacity',
oh: ['overflow', 'hidden'],
p(value) {
return {
paddingTop: value,
paddingBottom: value,
paddingRight: value,
paddingLeft: value,
pa: ['position', 'absolute'],
pr(value) {
if (value === true) {
return {
position: 'relative',
return {
paddingRight: value,
pt: 'paddingTop',
pb: 'paddingBottom',
pl: 'paddingLeft',
ph: 'paddingHorizontal',
pv: 'paddingVertical',
r: 'right',
r0: ['right', 0],
t: 'top',
t0: ['top', 0],
tac: ['textAlign', 'center'],
tar: ['textAlign', 'right'],
taa: ['textAlign', 'auto'],
tal: ['textAlign', 'left'],
taj: ['textAlign', 'justify'],
ttu: ['textTransform', 'uppercase'],
ttc: ['textTransform', 'capitalize'],
ttn: ['textTransform', 'none'],
ttl: ['textTransform', 'lowercase'],
w: 'width',
w100p: ['width', '100%'],
zi: 'zIndex',
Pure, simple, natural.
As you can see that is all the code we create blew.
We just did a little but can help you a lot when create style in react native.
help us to make it better together issue.