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Showcasing Istio's observability addons with enhanced Kubernetes manifests with persistence and security


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Istio Observability

This repo showcases Istio's observability addons that you can benefit without changes in application codes.

Istio provides metrics such as 90%tile request duration between services, rate of successful requests, etc. Those metrics can be collected and aggregated using Prometheus, and displayed beautifully with Grafana.

Kiali addon provides an overview of the entire application, and Jaeger allows us to trace individual request chains that span multiple services in your Kubernetes cluster.

(Please note that distributed tracing through Jaeger is only possible if you slightly modify your application to propagate certain HTTP headers when issueing requests to other microservices.)

Please visit for more details on those addons.

This repo is based on /~, which integrates Jaeger through OpenTelemetry into FastAPI using Docker Compose. In contrast, our app does not require manual instrumentation because Istio's sidecar proxies do that for us.






  1. Deploy Istio by installing istioctl and running:
istioctl install --set profile=demo -y
  1. Deploy local registry by:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart always --name registry registry:2
  1. Create a secret:
cp .env.monitoring.example .env.monitoring
vim .env.monitoring # edit this file as you like
kubectl -n istio-system create secret generic monitoring-secret --from-env-file .env.monitoring
  1. Deploy Jaeger etc. to the namespace istio-system by running:
kubectl apply -f k8s/addons


  1. Build and push fastapi_app image to localhost:5000:
docker build --push -t localhost:5000/fastapi_app fastapi_app/
  1. Create a namespace demo with istio-injection label:
kubectl apply -f k8s/istio-namespace.yml
  1. Deploy FastAPI apps into the namespace demo:
kubectl apply -f k8s
  1. Issue requests to the FastAPI app:
curl http://localhost/chain



  1. Make sure to create monitoring-secret in namespace istio-system by following the prerequisites above.

  2. Visit Grafana dashboard at http://localhost/grafana


  1. Create a token:
kubectl -n istio-system create token kiali
  1. Visit Kiali dashboard at http://localhost/kiali


  1. Open dashboard using port-forwarding:
istioctl dashboard jaeger
istioctl dashboard prometheus


kubectl delete ns demo


curl localhost/chain returns 404 Not Found HTML from NGINX

In this case, you are likely to have NGINX Ingress Controller deployed on your system, and it served the curl request instead of the Istio Ingress Gateway.
Please delete your ingress and run again.

For example, if you are using microk8s, you can run microk8s disable ingress

curl localhost hangs

Make sure that you can connect to the upstream web app directly using port-forward:

# On one terminal window
kubectl -n demo port-forward app-a-deployment-b75df8b88-46gqc 8080:80 # Please change the pod name appropriately
# On another terminal window
curl localhost:8080

If this returns a response, the problem is likely to be on the Ingress Gateway of Istio.

For some environments including microk8s on Ubuntu (in my case, Xubuntu 22.04), LoadBalancer does not seem to work. As the official doc mentions, change the spec.type of ingress-gateway from LoadBalancer to NodePort to fix this.

kubectl -n istio-system edit svc istio-ingressgateway

Next, get the port number that maps to 80 by:

$ kubectl -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway
NAME                   TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                      AGE
istio-ingressgateway   NodePort   <none>        15021:32569/TCP,80:30419/TCP,443:32250/TCP,31400:30769/TCP,15443:32302/TCP   66m

In this case, localhost:30419 is what you want. Try curl localhost:30419 to verify it.

Istio does not seem to handle requests...

In case you get errors like upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection termination even though you are sure that the upstream service is up and running, restart the Istio:

kubectl -n istio-system rollout restart deploy

Deleting a namespace hangs...

I found a solution on StackOverflow.

Replace the NAMESPACE below and run:

export NAMESPACE=your-rogue-namespace
export PROXYPORT=8011
kubectl proxy --port=$PROXYPORT &
kubectl get namespace $NAMESPACE -o json |jq '.spec = {"finalizers":[]}' >temp.json
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @temp.json$PROXYPORT/api/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/finalize
rm temp.json
kill $(ps ax | grep "proxy --port=$PROXYPORT" | grep -v grep | cut -f1 -d' ')


Showcasing Istio's observability addons with enhanced Kubernetes manifests with persistence and security








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